2) Never been Marcused

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"As Summer comes to an end, I'd like to share a few of the things I've learned about fun in the sun Gossip Girl's guide to summer tip number one don't fall asleep on the job the best hookups are free of morning breath and awkward conversation the only thing harder than making up is waking up" Gossip Girl's post said. "Wait I'm confused are you back together or not" Mia asked.

"Are I think I don't know she wants to think first" Dan said. "And I thought my dating life was confusing" Mia said.

"Says the girl who didn't go to the party" Dan said. "I couldn't" Mia said.

"Cause of Nate and his mystery girlfriend" Dan said. "Sort of I guess" Mia said. "Maybe you should tell him how you feel" Dan said. "And get rejected please all he sees is Chuck's little sister little Bass" Mia said and Dan sighed.


Mia was with Serena when Blair called. "Is that our Queen B" Mia asked. "Yes, it is" Serena said and answered the phone. "Hey Blair" Serena said.

"Please tell me Mia is with you" Blair said. "She is" Serena said. "Put me on speaker" Blair said and Serena did.

"Hey B everything okay" Mia asked. "Things are going south with Lord Marcus" Blair said. "Who's, Lord Marcus" Serena asked. "Wait is Lord Marcus James" Mia asked.

"Yes, it turns out that he was only pretending to be a commoner" Blair said. "Yeah, I found out by Eric and I'm guessing Chuck told you" Mia said.

"It's like Roman Holiday only I'm Gregory Peck and he's Audrey Hepburn" Blair said. "Oh, suddenly it's all so clear" Serena said. "He's not really a college student he's a lord and I love him" Blair said.

"Love it may be too soon for that" Mia said. "Okay I'm gonna take your word for it but Blair love" Serena said.

"Like very much and not just because Tom Hanks gave him a Kleenex at Lady Di's funeral" Blair said. "And you really expect us to believe this isn't all about revenge on Chuck" Serena said.

"Revenge is so 12 hours and just because Marcus happens to be the perfect post Bass palate cleanser doesn't mean he isn't a delicious dish in his own right" Blair said.

"Oh gosh just sleep with him already" Mia said. "Okay so it sounds like you guys are soul mates" Serena said.

"What exactly is the problem" Serena asked. "He's being vague about the future" Blair said.

"Wait you just found out this guy's real identity I think it's a little soon to be worrying about the rest of your lives" Serena said.

"She's right B just enjoy being together" Mia said.  "But not the rest of the year it's the season for flings tennis pros and townies I'm his secret summer shame" Blair said.

"A fling you I don't see it" Mia said. "Blair Waldorf a fling hmm you're not exactly low maintenance" Serena said.

"Speaking of where were you last night did the lifeguard turn up the party or did you find another disposable" Blair asked Serena. 

"Uh sorry Blair I have to go" Serena said and hung up.  Mia and Serena walked up to Dan.

"Hi" Serena said to Dan. "Hey" Dan said and noticed Mia. "Hey Mia" Dan said. "Dan" Mia said.  "Well, I have to go but you two talk or whatever and I'll see you both later" Mia said and left.


Mia was with Nate and Chuck in the limo when Chuck told them he's playing Marcus. "No offense but don't you think you're a little outmatched" Nate asked. 

"At squash" Chuck asked. "I've been playing my father since the eighth grade" Chuck said.

"Don't be too confident some people surprise you" Mia said. "How good can Marcus be" Chuck asked. 

"No, I mean as a guy Blair wants to be a princess and your greatest achievement is owning part of a burlesque club" Nate said.

"Which is why I have to get to know him see no one's that perfect once I get him out of the way then I'll have a clear shot at Blair" Chuck said. "How romantic" Mia said sarcastically.

"Oh, you know it's love when you start talking like an assassin" Nate said. "I think you're jealous of my new best friend" Chuck said.

"Chuck's phone started to ring and he quickly answered. "Hello uh I can't talk right now I'll have to call you when I'm home" Chuck said and hung up.

"Hey if you need to work out the details of your takedown don't let me stop you" Nate said. "You know me well but it's nothing" Chuck said.  "Doesn't sound like nothing" Mia said.


Mia was at home in her room when her phone started to ring, and she quickly answered. "Hello" Mia said. "Mia hey it's me" Nate said.

"Nate hey what's up" Mia asked.  "Nothing I just haven't seen you lately" Nate said. "Well, you been busy with your new girlfriend and all" Mia said.

"Yeah, I guess she would kill me if I told you" Nate said. "It's not like I know who I don't know a name remember" Mia said.

"Yeah, I know but hey we should get together soon it kinda seems like you're avoiding me" Nate said. "I'm not we just both been busy" Mia said. "Right yeah of course" Nate said.

"Talk later" Nate asked. "Sure" Mia said and hung up, sighing. "If only you knew" Mia said.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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