15) Secret's out

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"When most people lose a parent they inherit sorrow, loss, and a closet full of outdated clothes but on the upper east side death's sad chapter comes with a silver lining or a good one if your relatives invested wisely in precious metals" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia got out of the limo and stood next to Jack when Blair came over. "Good morning, Jack" Blair said.

"Blair yay I'm so glad you're here" Mia said and hugged Blair. Mia slowly pulled away and faced her. "Blair" Jack said. "Chuck asked me to come to the reading of the will for support" Blair said.

"The only thing he's gonna need support for is the massive influx into his and Mia's bank account" Jack said.

"Charming" Blair said leaving. "And you wonder why your niece doesn't like you" Mia said and followed Blair. Jack started to follow them following close by Blair.

"Come out with me tonight" Jack said. "I told you I'm not interested" Blair said.

"Didn't seem that way on New Year's" Jack said. "New Year's" Mia said confused. "It's nothing" Blair told Mia.

"Whatever may have transpired between us what's important is what it means to me which is nothing" Blair said. "I don't think I even wanna know just ew" Mia said.

"Do you think it would be nothing to Chuck let's ask him now shall we" Jack asked seeing Chuck.

"Let's not" Blair said. "Aw no one wants to play today huh" Jack said and Chuck went over to Mia, Blair, and Jack.

"Let's get this over with" Chuck said. "Once again my big brother speaks my mind" Mia said.

"Courage nephew I'm going to be running Bass industries and you're about to inherit a billion dollars along with your sister" Jack said.

"I know my father there'll be so many strings attached it'll look like a marionette he wouldn't miss his last chance to put me in my place" Chuck said and Mia sighed before linking her arm with Chuck's walking with him while Jack and Blair followed.

"Hey" they heard a familiar voice say and turned to see Nate. Nate went to them once they saw him.

"Thought you might need some backup" Nate said. "Thanks, let's go" Chuck said and they all went in the building.


"Now that we're all settled" the attorney said and sat down. "Please let me express my deepest condolences as Mrs. Bass is unable to be here today her interests are being represented by her counsel now Charles your uncle Jack is your and your sister's closet living relative" the attorney said.

"Unfortunately," Mia mumbled, and Chuck elbowed her giving her a look that said be nice.

"And as such been named as your legal guardian" the attorney said. "Are you comfortable with this" the attorney asked. "Curfew" Chuck asked.

"None" Jack said. "Girls sleeping over" Chuck asked. "Yes please" Jack said. "Your both pigs" Mia said. "I'll allow it" Chuck said. "Mia" the attorney asked.

"Well, someone has to look after these two idiots" Mia said. "Moving on then with regard to Mr Bass's personal assets they will be put in a trust which you Charles will have access to on your 18th birthday" the attorney said.

"And as for Bass industries" Jack asked. "Yes, I was just getting to that" the attorney told Jack.

"Twenty nine percent of the company will remain in the board's hands and a 20% stake in the company has been left to Lily Bass" the attorney said.

"Okay but that still leaves 51% that's controlling interest" Jack said. "Charles, Mr. Bass asked me to give you this letter" the attorney said.

"If I don't read it, do I still get my inheritance" Chuck asked. "Well yes" the attorney said.

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