7) new rules

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"There's nothing quite like autumn in New York but it's not only the leaves that change something in the air brings out the true colors in everyone" Gossip Girl's post said.

Serena walked in the kitchen seeing Mia, Lily, Eric, and Chuck all at the table. "Why are you all so quiet" Serena asked, and Bart walked in.

"Good morning" Bart said. "Morning daddy" Mia said. "Bart you're back early" Serena said. "My last round of meetings wrapped up sooner than expected" Bart said.

"Rushing home to the family" Chuck said and Bart sat down. "How long's this layover" Chuck asked.

"Didn't Lily tell you" Bart asked. "Tell us what" Mia asked. "I'm here for the long haul" Bart said. 

"And just in time for our housewarming party tomorrow night" Lily said and Serena sat next to Mia. "Um I've been meaning to ask you" Eric said. "Uh can we bring friends" Eric asked.

"Of course, dear" Lily said. "Oh, um did you get the little suit that I laid out for you Serena" Lily asked.

"That was for me I thought the housekeepers got new uniforms" Serena said.

"Yeah, it's conservative yes but classic Bart bought it from Paris it had its own seat on his plane" Lily said. "Bart bought me a suit" Serena asked. "New watch" Eric said showing his watch.

"Cash direct deposit into one of my offshore accounts" Chuck said. "Earrings and a necklace" Mia said showing her new earrings and necklace.

"Now that we are all here Lily and I have something we want to discuss as tomorrow's party marks our debut as a family, we've been talking about what that actually means" Bart said.

"Less money for me and Mia when you die" Chuck asked. "Chuck" Mia said.

"We were thinking more along the lines of some guidelines" Bart said. "Guidelines for what" Serena asked.

"For life together I mean now that we're all here having some rules would be nice" Lily said. "Like what" Serena asked. "Like every Friday we dine as a family" Lily said.

"Uh don't you think Monday would be" Eric said. "A weekend curfew of 1:00am" Bart said. "Is that eastern or pacific" Chuck asked.

"And no going out on school nights" Bart said. "What" Eric said. "Are you serious" Serena said. "Alright, alright" Bart said. "Mom where is this coming from" Serena asked.

"Bart and me we made the decision together we are in complete agreement on this matter" Lilly said.

"Yeah right" Mia mumbled. "Yeah, I'm sure" Serena said and left.


Mia was with Dan and Nate at school walking in the halls together.

"Man, the coach is really impressed with your tryouts" Nate said to Dan. "Really" Dan said. "Yeah" Nate said. "You were great" Mia said.

"Thanks for subbing in" Nate said. "Well save your thanks until you see me play it's gonna be" Dan said and Chuck came over. "Humphrey never a pleasure" Chuck said.

"Oh, good we agree on something" Dan said. "What now Chuck" Mia asked.

"Archibald isn't it about time you ended this bromance what happens at Yale stays at Yale and Mia what are you doing being friends with him anyways" Chuck asked.

"Chuck, stop I like his company he's a good guy" Mia said. "Hey man let's go" Nate said to Dan. "Come on Mia" Nate said and Nate, Dan, and Mia left.


Mia was hanging with Serena in Serena's room when they saw Chuck. "Well, well look who's playing by the rules and it's not even a school night" Chuck said.

"Eric convinced me" Serena said. "He's good like that" Mia said. "What about you" Serena asked Chuck.

"I'm on my way out to a house call" Chuck said. "Ew sister in the room" Mia said.

"Ugh gross well as long as you're home by 1:00" Serena said. "Naive Serena" Chuck said. "Don't you know Bart and Lil's list of rules doesn't apply to me or Mia" Chuck said.

"What do you mean" Mia asked. "What are you talking about" Serena asked.

"According to my sources the real reason my father flew back early is to court some executives in town from the Midwest the only problem is they won't do business with anyone who doesn't share their family values, so Bart is making sure we do or appear to" Chuck said.

"Of course," Mia said. "Wait all this just so he can close a deal" Serena asked. "I do my best work off the radar" Chuck said.

"Well in that case I'm going out" Mia said and got up and left.


Mia was with Blair and Serena at breakfast. "So, what did Lily have to say about last night's curfew flaunting" Blair asked.

"Mm I kind of snuck out before she could corner me let them discipline the sibling that actually deserves it" Chuck said. "Watch it I know he's well Chuck but still my brother" Mia said.

"Sorry M" Serena said and noticed Blair's facial expression along with Mia. "What" Blair said. "You smiled" Serena said.

"No, I didn't I hate Chuck don't make me lose my appetite" Blair said and saw Eric. "Oh, hey is that Eric" Blair asked. Eric came over with a boy right by his side.

"Hey Larissa said you'd be here along with Mia" Eric said. "Hey" Serena said. "Hey E" Mia said to Eric. "And we are who's this" Serena asked.

"Don't be shy introduce us" Mia said. "Johnathan this is my sister Serena, my stepsister and closest friend Mia and their friend Blair Waldorf this is Johnathon my boyfriend" Eric said.

"It's nice to meet you all" Johnathan said. "You too" Mia said. "Nice work E" Blair said. "Oh my gosh" Serena said and got up.

"Hi so nice to meet you" Serena said and gave a quick hug to Johnathon. "Sit down both of you" Serena said and sat back down while Eric and Johnathon took a seat.

"I invited him to the party tonight, but I thought you and Mia should meet him first" Eric said. "Yeah, I met Chuck the other day" Jonathan said.

"Chuck wow hear that Blair, Chuck" Serena said. "Maybe we should say it again to be sure" Mia said. "Ignore them their dehydrated" Blair said. "Did I miss something" Eric asked.

"No but we did the story of how you two met we wanna know everything" Serena said. "Don't leave a single detail out" Mia said.


Mia was with Nate drinking milkshakes. "So, word is you're going to Dan's for dinner" Mia said.

"Yeah, well didn't seem like I could get out of it plus he's a friend" Nate said. "He's a good guy" Mia said. "How are things at home" Mia asked.

"Their okay could be better" Nate said. "You know if you ever need a place to stay you can come over right" Mia asked. "Yeah, I know thanks Mia" Nate said.

"What are friends for" Mia said. "You're a great friend you know" Nate said. "I do my best" Mia said and Nate smiled.

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