7) Hallows Eve

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"All Hallows Eve the one day of the year it's socially acceptable to play dress up the only question is who do you wanna be there are costumes to make men feel like boys again or turn little girls into queens" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Alright so I gotta ask did you bring it" Dan asked Nate. "Yeah, I got it" Nate told Dan.

"Are you 100% sure you wanna do this" Nate asked. "It's not too late to back out" Mia said.

"Yeah, you know I mean Olivia and I have been dating for a couple weeks now" Dan said. "Which is a little bit unbelievable" Mia said and Nate nudged her.

"it's getting pretty serious at this point I've waited so long it's embarrassing" Dan said. "Yeah, sure but once you go there you can't go back" Nate said.

"Uh believe me I know; I know I really think I'm ready" Dan said. "Enjoy man six hours of pleasure" Nate said and Dan looked at the movie.

"So, you really think the sight of Olivia in fake fangs reciting stilted dialogue is gonna be a deal breaker don't you" Dan said.

"It's not the dialogue he's concerned about" Mia said. "Oh, dialogue's awesome it's the uh it's the part without the talking that's the problem" Nate said.

"Hey, I think I can handle some pg-13 bloodsucking come on" Dan said.

"Bloodsucking that's what you think we're concerned about what are you living under a rock probably be better if you were since you're that stupid" Mia said.

"Seriously man do you not get internet here in Brooklyn" Nate asked.

"Okay Patrick Roberts who plays her vampire costar" Nate said getting up going to Dan pulling Mia with him.

"Was her boyfriend the whole time they were shooting this all the blogs said they got really into it and started doing it for real like sex tape on the cutting room floor real" Nate said.

"I think the most disturbing part in all this is you've been reading Endless Knights blogs" Dan said.

"Okay that's, I know you think you're okay with it, but you don't wanna watch your girlfriend with another guy I mean comparing looks and noises" Nate said.

"No see that's the problem with your theory I don't I have no idea if she makes noises, yet we haven't gotten to the noises stage although we uh we do have plans tomorrow night so hold on a second maybe this is her" Dan said and looked at his phone.

"By the looks of it I'm guessing it's not her" Mia said.


Nate, Mia, and Dan were all watching the movie together with Mia on Nate's lap while his arm was around her and Dan was sat next to them, and Nate and Mia kept noticing Dan's facial expressions.

"Is she actually levitating" Dan asked. "I'm pretty sure that's green screen" Nate said.

"Is their acting this good in the rest of the movie" Dan asked.

"I mean just look at the way she's looking at him that's love, that's definitely love and lust and uh gratitude" Dan said.

"You going to continue stressing the entire time" Mia asked. "Dude it's an orgasm" Nate said.

"Yeah" Dan said. "I mean it's completely understandable why you're freaking out" Nate said.

"Yeah, cause watching your girlfriend have sex with someone else on TV is so normal" Mia said sarcastically. "No, I'm not freaking out I'm just you know I'm processing this" Dan said.

"Yeah" Nate said. "This doesn't mean anything you know that right" Mia said and Dan's phone rang. Dan checked the caller ID before answering.

"Oh, it's Olivia" Dan said and coughed before answering.

"Oh, hey yeah I know I just got this thing it's like a flu uh can I call you in a couple days hmm okay alright bye" Dan said and hung up.

"Can't believe she bought that; your acting could use some work" Mia said. "I thought you be nicer since I'm your brother" Dan said. "I have my moments" Mia said.


Mia went to see Chuck to see how things were going before the club opening when she saw everyone was getting everything ready before making her way to Chuck.

"Well, I see things are going well" Mia said. "So far" Chuck said. "Come on bro you got this I know you remember" Mia said.

"Yeah, I know and thanks baby sis" Chuck said. "Anytime" Mia said. "Thank you for moving so quickly" Chuck told the man after signing a paper.

"I'm glad everything's up to code" Chuck said and the man left while Nate made his way over to Mia and Chuck.

"Up to code wow, not words I'd usually associate with Chuck Bass" Nate said.

"What can I tell you it's the dawning of a new age" Chuck said, and the bartender set a drink down for Chuck. "Moonshine Martini" the bartender said.

"With a call back to the old" Chuck said before taking a drink. "Mm this is perfect" Chuck said.

"Thank you" the bartender said and left. "Mind if I have a sip" Mia asked and Chuck looked at her.

"Come on please I'm your little sister" Mia said, and Chuck sighed before giving it to her. Mia smiled happily before taking a drink and giving it back to Chuck.

"I think I found my new favorite drink" Mia said. "A speakeasy what could be more, timely a place to escape the modern world and violate its rules legally of course" Chuck said.

"Yeah, I'm surprised Blair isn't here what are you guys in another fight" Nate asked.

"A fight implies time and energy this is more of an ongoing detached distrust" Chuck said.


"Blair he's going to forgive you it just takes time" Mia said laying on her bed next to Blair.

"You didn't see the way he looked at me" Blair said. "Maybe not but I know my brother he loves you more than anything okay just, give him time" Mia said and Blair smiled.

"I'm so glad you're here I don't know how I would have made it without you" Blair said.

"I'll always be here for you, you know that" Mia said. "No not just here, here, but here at NYU I couldn't have made it without my best friend" Blair said and Mia smiled. "Me either" Mia said and Blair smiled.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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