20) thinking things over

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"It's said that we're all strapped to fortune's wheel nowhere is this truer than the ever changing, landscape of love as one couple enjoys an upswing another is plunged downwards but top or bottom don't get too comfortable because the one thing you can rely on is that the wheel will keep on turning" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was having breakfast alone thinking things over wishing more than anything that life was not as hard as they make it.


"So, what do you think" Mia asked walking over to Nate who was speechless. "What is it is it that bad" Mia asked. "What no, no of course not" Nate said.

"Then what is it" Mia asked. "You get more beautiful every time I see you" Nate said causing Mia to smile before sitting on his lap.

"Well thank you Mr. Archibald" Mia said. "Anytime Ms. Bass" Nate said and kissed Mia.


Mia suddenly was pulled out of her flashback when she heard someone calling her name.

Mia looked up seeing the voice belonged to Dan. "Oh, Dan hey" Mia said and Dan sat next to Mia.

"Hey, are you okay you seemed out of it" Dan said. "Yeah, I'm fine no need to worry you don't have to stay here with me" Mia said.

"Mia I'm always gonna be here for you you're my sister okay I care about you, and I always will" Dan said. "So, what's wrong" Dan asked. "I think I'm still in love with Nate" Mia admitted.

"Maybe I never stopped being in love with him" Mia said after a moment. Dan sighed and pulled Mia to him comforting her.


"Hey, you okay" Blair asked once she saw Mia was being quiet. "Yeah, just thinking I guess" Mia said.

"M" Blair said. "I'm fine I promise" Mia said. "M it's okay to admit you're still in love with Nate I told you this already" Blair said. "Sometimes I hate that you know me so well" Mia said.

"I know" Blair said. "And it's not okay to admit it not when he's with Serena" Mia said.

"Even though he should be with you and not her" Blair said. "B" Mia said.

"No, I mean it I'm team Mia and I always will be you two belong together" Blair said and Mia stayed silent.


Mia was having lunch when she saw Eric, walk up to her. "Eric hey" Mia said and Eric sat next to her. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while" Eric said.

"It has been a while hasn't it then again you and I were never that close we used to be but then we drifted apart I guess" Mia said. "Well other than that how have you been" Eric asked.

"I'm okay" Mia said. "Don't lie to me we may not talk much anymore but I know you" Eric said.

"I'm just trying to get over Nate who I'm apparently still in love with and I never stopped loving" Mia said and Eric nodded.

"Don't tell Serena but I always thought you and Nate were a better match" Eric said and Mia smiled.

"Thanks Eric" Mia said, and Eric smiled. "You always put others before yourself it's okay to put yourself first remember that okay" Eric said and left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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