1) She's back

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Act I

Old friends and secrets

(Episode 1-18)


Mia was at Blair's enjoying the party when her phone went off and she looked seeing a gossip girl blast.

"Hey upper east siders gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever one of my many sources Melanie91 send us this spotted at Grand Central bags in hand Serena Van Der Woodsen was it only a year ago out it girl mysteriously disappeared for quote boarding school and just as suddenly she's back don't believe me see for yourselves lucky for us Melanie91 sent proof thanks for the photo spotted lonely boy can't believe the love of his life has returned if only she knew who he was but everyone knows Serena and everyone is talking wonder what Blair Waldorf and Mia Bass thinks sure the three are BFFS but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena" Gossip Girl's post said.

Chuck had come over seeing his sister reading a post in disbelief about to put her phone away. "Hey sis what is it" Chuck asked. Mia then gave Chuck her phone and he looked.

"Good things were getting a little dull around here" Chuck said. "I better go find Blair" Mia said ignoring her brother's comment snatching her phone from him leaving to find Blair.

Mia managed to find Blair along with Nate. "Did you hear Serena's back" Blair asked. "Just now I was on my way to tell you couldn't find you" Mia said. "We were upstairs come on" Blair said leading Mia.

Blair and Mia found Serena but before they did Mia saw Serena and Nate share a look as she looked at them suspicious.

"Hi Serena, good to see you" Blair said hugging her. "Hi how are you doing" Serena asked and Blair broke the hug. "Mia hey" Serena said to Mia and she gave a fake smile.

"Hey S" Mia said and gave her a hug and after a moment they pulled away. "We're about to have dinner" Blair said. "I'll set a place for you next to Blair and Mia" Eleanor said.

"Yeah, actually there's somewhere I have to go" Serena said. "You're leaving" Blair asked. "Yeah, I just I don't feel well I just wanted to come by and say hi I'll see you at school tomorrow" Serena said leaving.

Blair and Mia then walked to Blair's minions. "School so I guess she's back for good" Blair said. "Well, that's just lovely" Mia said sarcastically.

"But hey as long as we have each other who needs her" Mia said to Blair and she smiled. "Word is that S bailed on B's party in under 90 seconds and didn't even have one limoncello" Gossip Girl's post said.


Mia sat with Chuck and Nate on the bus next to the window heading to school doing her best to tune out their conversation.

"Serena looked smoking last night there's something wrong with that level of perfection it needs to be violated" Chuck said. "You are deeply disturbed" Nate said.

"And yet you know I'm right" Chuck said. "You're telling me if you had the chance" Chuck said.  "I have a girlfriend" Nate said.

"You have been dating since kindergarten and yet you haven't sealed the deal" Chuck said.

"Who says seal the deal" Nate asked. "Come on" Chuck said before shaking Mia. "Mia we're here" Chuck said and she got up along with Nate.

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