14) the lady vanished

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"Get up and go at it, upper east side I hear little J is having foreign relations with a handsome attaché we always knew she had friends in high places but how low will she go" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia woke up and didn't see Jordan beside her. She quickly got out of bed and looked around not seeing him.

"Looking for someone" Mia heard a familiar voice ask. She turned around and smiled.

"Just you" Mia said and gave him a quick kiss. "Where did you go" Mia asked. "I got us some breakfast" Jordan said showing the bag. "You did" Mia asked.

"Yeah, come on better eat them before they're cold" Jordan said. "Okay" Mia said, and they sat down and ate.

"You know this is good and it's amazing that you done this, but you know what would be even better for breakfast" Mia said. "What" Jordan said.

"Pizza" Mia said, and Jordan shook his head. "That's so not a breakfast food" Jordan said.

"Says who you" Mia asked. "Just eat your breakfast" Jordan said and Mia rolled her eyes before doing so.


Mia was heading home when she saw Dan and caught up to him. "Hey Dan" Mia said. "Oh, hey Mia, are you going somewhere" Dan asked.

"Just home" Mia said. "I'm guessing things with Vanessa didn't go well" Mia asked. "You got that huh" Dan said. "A little yeah" Mia said and Dan sighed.

"I'm sorry hey if it counts, I thought you two were a good match then again I'm a sucker for friends to lovers along with love at first sight but that's not the point" Mia said.

"Thanks that actually means a lot" Dan said. Mia's phone suddenly rang and she saw it was Blair.

Mia quickly answered the phone. "Hey Blair, what's up" Mia asked.

"You need to get here quick it's about your mother well adoptive mother we'll fill you in when you get here" Blair said.

"On my way" Mia said and hung up. "I gotta go but good luck I guess" Mia said and left.


"Chuck how is that even possible" Nate asked once they filled Mia in about Elizabeth.

"Bart told you that your mother died" Nate said. "He also once told me kids wear suits to kindergarten and that blue chip stocks are great for birthday gifts" Chuck said.

"Let's not forget about the part where he lied about me being adopted" Mia said.

"He told me and Mia what he wanted me to believe" Chuck said.

"Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her in she told us she was just one of Bart's friends, but I guess" Blair said. 

Mia made her way to Chuck and sat down next to him. "Why didn't you tell me" Mia asked. "I had to be sure I didn't want to get your hopes up" Chuck said and Mia smiled.

"You're the best big brother ever" Mia said. "You okay man" Nate asked Chuck. "Why wouldn't I be" Chuck asked.

"You don't seem excited after all this time of thinking your mother is gone now you have a second chance" Serena said. "A chance for what, why even come back" Chuck asked.

"She's here now who cares why" Serena said. "Serena it's not as easy as it seems" Mia said.

"I've got a pretty good idea what her motivation is" Chuck said. "Throw this away" Chuck told Blair giving her the necklace.

"Chuck no" Serena said. "Serena just" Nate said when Serena ignored him.

"You have no idea what happened twenty years ago why she stayed away you have to at least let her explain" Serena said.

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