16) colleges

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Mia was at home eating breakfast when she heard a knock on the door. Mia finished up her breakfast and rinsed her dishes before putting it in the dishwasher.

Mia went to the door and answered it seeing Rufus. "Rufus" Mia said surprised. "Mia hi" Rufus said.

"Do you need a ride to school" Rufus asked. "I'd like to talk to you" Rufus said. "I'll grab my bag" Mia said and went to grab her bag before leaving with Rufus.


"So, you're my dad" Mia said to Rufus while he drove the car. "If it helps, I didn't know I had a kid or two" Rufus said.

"Two" Mia questioned. "You have a brother but he's dead" Rufus said.

"Huh just when I thought this couldn't get any weirder" Mia said. "Look this doesn't change anything okay" Rufus said.

"Actually, it changes a lot one minute you're a Bass and then the next you're not just a Van Der Woodson, but a Humphrey and your sister and brother are dating each other which is weird but still it's a lot to take in" Mia said.

"Just take it day by day you're still a Bass your just also a Van Der Woodson and a Humphrey your one of a kind" Rufus said and Mia gave him a small smile. 

"Thanks" Mia said. "I want you to know that even though you have your brother and Serena and Blair that if you ever need someone that you can't talk to anyone about you can always come to me okay I wanna be here for you" Rufus said.

"I'll keep that in mind" Mia said and Rufus smiled.


Serena and Dan saw Mia and went up to her. "Mia" Serena said. "Oh, hey if it isn't my bro and sis" Mia said. "Okay that's a little weird" Dan said.

"Yeah, but hey it's not my fault we're all related blame our parents" Mia said. Serena, Mia, and Dan started walking to the building.

"Who's the new kid" Dan asked. "That kid is my Shakespeare teacher Miss Carr" Serena said.

"That's Miss Carr" Dan asked. "Not what you expected" Mia asked. "Does she have Benjamin Button syndrome" Dan asked. "Here let us help you" Serena told Miss Carr holding the door.

"Oh, thank you Serena it's like holding a door never occurred to anybody" Miss Carr said. 

"Yeah, well people are jerks who only think about themselves" Mia said. "Excuse her but no not on the upper east side these kids probably never touched a door in their life" Dan said.

"They just magically open for them don't they" Miss Carr said.

"Why else do you think I am the way I am" Mia said and they all went in the building. "Oh, this is my boyfriend Dan Humphrey, and this is" Serena said but struggled on what to call Mia.

"I'm Mia the secret love child of Lily Bass and Rufus Humphrey nice to meet you" Mia said. 

"Hi" Miss Carr said. "Dan, Mia this is Miss Carr" Serena said. "I already knew that I've seen her around but nice to meet you I guess" Mia said.

"She's my favorite new teacher" Serena told Dan and Mia. "Yeah, heard a lot about you although I wasn't expecting you to look so" Dan said. "Out of place" Miss Carr said.

"No, I was gonna say young you could pass for a student" Dan said. "Well, I was until recently I've been doing teach for America the past two years in Alabama this is my first salaried job I've never even been to New York before it's a lot different than Des Moines" Miss Carr said.

"My family is in the hotel business and the palace lobby is a wonderful place to get away from the noise" Serena said.

"Yeah, you know if you're ever in Brooklyn my dad has a gallery there's a pretty cool cafe" Dan said.

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