4) new queen

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"Wakey, Wakey upper East siders welcome to the first day of senior year and the onset of a new social dynasty the big question is with Serena single and on top of the world will Constance become the house of Van Der Woodson" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was with Eric, Serena, and Lily as Lily just got back from her honeymoon with Bart.

"I can't believe you got Bart to wear flip flops I can't even picture that" Serena said. "I rather not picture dad in flip flops" Mia said.

"It was so cute every time we'd go for a walk on the beach, I'd catch him staring down at his feet" Lily said and she and Serena laughed. "Mom it all sounds so romantic" Serena said.

"We, expecting more people" Eric asked. "I was wondering the same" Mia said.

"Well, um it is your first day of school and I was trying to be motherly" Lily said. "Mom, I can't believe you didn't wake me up when you got home last night, I feel cheated" Serena said.

"Last time you said you felt violated" Chuck said to Serena. "Welcome home" Chuck said coming over. "Say mom and I will kill you in your sleep" Serena said. "Relax Serena" Mia said.

"Decaf Serena I was going to say Mrs. Bass" Chuck said. "Thank you, Charles um Bart had to fly to Beijing on business, but he sends his best" Lily said. "As always" Mia mumbled. "As he has done since kindergarten" Chuck said.

"Okay hello we were talking romantic getaway walking on the beach details I could stay home and then we could go to lunch together" Serena said.

"Stay home it's your first day of" Lily said. "Serena and Dan broke up tragic if not entirely unprecedented not without an upside Humphrey was holding you back, you're a born queen this is your year to rule" Chuck said.

"Why fight it" Chuck asked. "What are you up to" Mia asked her brother.

"Because I don't want it okay being queen is Blair's whole thing plus if she needs a eunuch she knows where to look" Serena said.

"You may feel differently when the trumpets call, grab the OJ there's champagne in the limo" Chuck said and left.

"He's kidding" Eric said. "Well, I'm going or else he will leave me here" Mia said and left.


"So, you're basically using Blair's system to screen potential dates" Eric said. "Why did I see this coming" Mia asked.

"Think of it as an early application process so many slots on the Chuck Bass social calendar it'll save me a ton of time" Chuck said.

"Cause finding a date yourself is so hard" Mia said. "It seems a bit impersonal" Eric said. "Thank you" Chuck said. "Not what he meant, and you know it" Mia said.


"I just hid there" Serena said. "How pathetic is that" Serena asked. "Pretty pathetic" Mia said. "I knew I shouldn't have asked" Serena said.

"Break ups are easy it's having to see them date someone else that's hard" Blair said. "Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get" Blair asked.

"A twisted version of foreplay" Serena said. "Ignoring you" Blair said. "Okay back to the point" Mia said.

"The point is whoever dates first wins and with your ex being Dan Humphrey you win by default" Blair said and they saw Dan with a girl.

"Looks like Humphrey defied our great expectations and Waldorf's rules of order daring to date before Serena it's only a matter of time before it's off with his head or hers" Gossip Girl's post said.

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