Chapter 26

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I ended up falling asleep after laying in bed with Josh for a few hours. I was going to get up and watch TV but I didn't want to wake him since he barely ever sleeps because of his insomnia.

I slowly opened my eyes trying to wake up from my sleepy haze. I roll onto my side to find that Josh isn't there anymore. I sit up looking around. I figure he's probably in the kitchen so, I get up walking out of the bedroom, down the hall. I walk into the living room to find Bennie sitting in front of the front door whining.

"What's the matter, baby?" I say. She looks behind her to see me. She gets up prancing over with her wagging tail.

"Where'd Josh go?" I sigh as I scratch her back.

I walk into the kitchen with Bennie trailing behind me. I walk over to the fridge to see a note taped on it.


I didn't want to wake you up to tell you I was leaving. I'll be back later, went to the studio with the guys to do some band stuff.


P.S. When you wake up feed Anemonie, Tux, and Bennie. Thanks.

I sigh dramatically crumpling up the note and throwing it on the counter. How am I supposed to feed the animals if I have no fucking clue where the food is? I start opening cabinets until I finally find it in the cabinet under the sink. I don't know exactly how much I'm supposed to give them so, I just pour the food in each of the bowls to the point of overflowing. That's probably to much but, I really don't give a fuck.

Once I finish eating my cereal, I head back to the bedroom. I quickly take a shower and throw on some clothes and makeup. If Josh went out I might as well, too. I walk back into the living room grabbing my coat and throwing on some shoes. I stuff my hands into my pockets while heading towards the elevator. I feel something in there, I pull out a pair of car keys. I have a fucking car and no one told me!? The only problem is that I have no clue which one is mine or if mine is even here.

I put them back into my pocket as I get in the elevator. The door starts to close but, someone puts there briefcase between the doors before they can shut. They open back up and a guy with brown hair and blue eyes comes in.

"Good morning." He greets.

"Morning." I smile back at him. God, this guy is really hot. Wait, no, I have Josh I shouldn't be thinking that. Actually you know what, Fuck it I think the guy's hot what's the harm in that?

"I haven't seen you around here before, did you just move in?" The guy asks, in a British accent.

"Kinda. I'm staying with my boyfriend at the moment." I say.

"Oh, my name is Tony by the way."

"I'm Emma."

"Well, nice to meet you Emma."

"Likewise, Tony." I smile at him.

The elevator doors open just as Tony opens his mouth to say something.

"Oh, I guess I'll see you some other time then." He says walking out of the elevator.


"It was nice meeting you." He says.

"You too." I say. I watch him walk out of the apartment building. He turns and gives me a small wave, which I return.

That guy was such a gentleman, and hot on top of that. Okay, now I need to stop. I know it isn't right to be thinking these things while I'm with Josh but, I can't help myself.

I shake those thoughts out of my head walking out of the front doors. Now I just need to figure out where to go. I  end up deciding to just walk around Vancouver considering I haven't been downtown before.

I walk down the sidewalk in the busy street. All of a sudden it begins to downpour. Fucking wonderful, I think to myself as I hurry into the closest store. I look around to find out that I picked a jewelry store.

"How about that one?" I hear a girl say. I don't bother to look up as I take my phone out of my pocket to try to call Josh for a ride.

"I don't know." I hear a very familiar voice say.

My head snaps up to reveal it's exactly who I thought it was. Josh. Even though he isn't facing me I can tell from the back. Mostly because of that black and blue hair of his. Who the fuck is that girl with him!? I walk up behind them.

"So, what are we looking at guys?" I ask putting a hand on Josh's back. He jumps and looks over at me, his eyes widening.

"E-Emma, I can explain." He says urgently.

"Oh really? Why don't you start with why you aren't with the guys doing 'band stuff'. Or, better yet, why don't you tell me who this girl your with is and why your at a jewelry store with her. I don't know about you but, when I see a guy at a jewelry store with a girl I usually assume he's buying something for her because their together." I say to him crossing my arms.

"This is my cousin, Brooke." Josh says.

"Do you really expect me to believe you?" I ask.

"Oh my god, we've already gottten into a fight about this! Don't you remember or are you stupid?" Josh says. His eyes widen as he realizes what he just said.

"Emma, I didn-" I cut him off before he can finish.

"No, I get it, Josh. I'm just some stupid girl who you're wasting your time on. I'll just leave you alone." I say tears filling my eyes.

"I didn't say that!" He protests.

"You're right you didn't but, you were implying it. So, bye Josh." I say. I push open the front door.

I begin walking quickly down the sidewalk until the jewelry store is out of view. I stand on the edge of the sidewalk trying to flag down a taxi to take me....somewhere probably not Josh's place though. After standing in the pouring rain for about five minutes a taxi finally pulls up to the crub. I open the door and get inside slamming it behind me. I sigh pushing my hair out of my face.

"Emma?" I hear a familiar british accent say.

"Tony, hey." I smile at him.

"Where's your car?" He asks me.

"I don't exactly have one." I say.

"Me either at the moment. Mine's in the shop." He explains.

"Where to?" The taxi driver interrupts.

"Are you going back to the apartment building?" Tony asks.

"Well, about that...My boyfriend and I got into a fight so I don't think that's such a good idea." I say scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"You could come back to my place if you like." He offers.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all." He smiles at me flashing his perfectly white teeth. "Just keep going to the same place." He says to the taxi driver.

Oh god, what am I doing? Should I really go back to this guys place when I don't even know him? Well, I guess I am since I have nowhere else to go. I just really hope this doesn't end badly.


I'm so sorry I haven;t updated in so long, guys! I know this chapter is kind of boring so, sorry about that too.

Anyways thanks for reading!


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