Chapter 14

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"Hey come on in." Lindsey smiles as she opens the door. I smile back and walk inside her very feminine apartment. Her furniture was pink and white even the rug. It smelled so good in here too, like cookies.

"Do you want some cookies? I just made some." She asks walking into the kitchen i follow her and see a plate piled high with cookies. Well, that explains the smell.  I go over and look at them to see that they're those cookies with the pictures on them. She had gotten princess ones.

"Princesses?Really Lind's?" I laugh.

"I think they're cute." She says taking a bite of one .I do the same letting the sugary warm cookie make my taste buds go wild.

"These are pretty good though." I say swallowing my food.

"See. Okay now for clothes." She says dragging me towards her bedroom which is also pink, might i add.

"So i have these 3 dresses." She says pointing to the dresses on her bed. She has a white sundress, a dark purple silk dress, and a black low cut dress. They are all really pretty.

"So where is this guy taking you again?" I ask looking down at the dresses.

"To some restaurant downtown. I looked it up it's so beautiful there." She says as she walks over to her laptop on her desk.

"Is it like a fancy restaurant or something?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

"You should wear this one then." I say picking up the dark purple silk dress. She looks in my direction and smiles as she looks at the dress i picked out.

"I love that dress. I got it on sale and i haven't worn it yet." She says walking over and taking it from my hands.

"Okay, so shoes." I say. She nods and brings me to a door on the left side of her room. She opens it to reveal a huge closet.

"How do you afford this place?" I ask as i walk in and see the walls lined with shoes and clothes. She couldn't be able to afford this place just living off the salary at Bath & Body Works. I mean, i can't even afford a cardboard box to live in let alone an apartment like this.

"My parents help me pay for it." She says walking in behind me. I nod as i look at the shoes. I see a pair of tan strapped high heels i pick them up and shove them in Lindsey's direction.

"These ones." I say.

"Alright. Let me go try this on." She says. She walks out of the closet and down the hallway where i assume the bathroom is. I walk out into the living room and take a seat on her pink sofa. Suddenly i hear someone knocking on the door.

"Can you get that!" I hear Lindsey yell from the bathroom.

"Sure!" I yell back as i walk to the front door and open it.

"Hi, have you seen my cat anywhere. It's black and white. I-" He cuts himself off as he looks up to see my face.

"Emma?" Josh asks confused.

''H-hey." I stutter.

"Um, what are you doing here?" He asks

"I'm helping a friend with something." I say. Wow, the atmosphere around us just became very awkward. Almost awkward as Matt.

''So uh, have you seen my cat?" He asks.

"Which one?"


"No, I'm sorry." I say.

"Okay, thanks anyway. See you." He says as he slowly walks away avoiding my gaze.

"Yeah, see you." I say and slowly close the door.

"Who was it?'' Lindsey asks as she comes out putting earrings in.

"Just one of your neighbors. One of their cats got out and he was looking for it." I say.

"Oh, it's probably that guy at the end of the hall. His animals are always getting out. Once his dog ran right into me and i spilled coffee all over myself. I was so pissed off. Everyone says he's famous or something but, i've never seen him." She says. Yup, that's Josh.

"Oh. So what about hair?" I ask. She smiles and pulls me towards the bathroom.


I curl one of the last strands of hair in the back of Lindsey's head. Someone knocks one the door right when i finish. Right on time.

"Oh god, he's here. Do i look good?" She asks.

"You look amazing. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the date will be great." I assure her.

"I just hope i don't have a dumb blond moment." She laughs.

"Lets hope not. Now, come on." I say pulling her down the hall and to the front door.

She opens it to reveal a really handsome guy. I wish i could get a guy like that. Or Josh. She introduced me to her date named Kyle and then they left. What do i do now? I grab my bag and slip on my shoes i was just about to leave when someone knocks on the door. I open it to see, Elena?

"Uh, wha-" I don't get to say anything else because she grabs my wrist and pulls me down the hall in front of someones apartment.

Instead of knocking she throws the door open and walks in pulling me behind her. Once i actually get a look around i notice that this is Josh's apartment. I look over to see Josh with his head in his hands as he sits on the couch. I look at everyone else which includes Elena, Ian, Mike, and Matt .They all glare at me. Oh god, what did i do now?

"Why didnt you tell us?" Matt demands.

"Tell you what?" I asked confused.

"Why the fuck didn't you say you lost your apartment?! You cant live in your car forever, Emma!" Josh yells getting up off the couch. I feel my world cave in around me. How did they find out? I feel so embarrassed now.

"I-i didn't...i..." I have no clue what to say.

"Emma, i cant believe you didn't tell me. I'm your best friend. I don't want you to have to live in a car. You had plenty of people to go to but, you decided to do that instead? What was going through your mind?'' Elena asks sympathetically. I now notice that she's the only one who isn't angry, she's just hurt i didn't tell her.

"I'm sorry." I say meekly.

"That's all you have to say. Sorry?" Mike asks finally joining in on the conversation. Ian's just kind of watching this all happen.

"It's embarrassing. How would you feel if you lost your apartment and your job? I just didn't know what to do with myself." I say quietly.

"You could've just came to one of us. We would've helped you." Elena says.

"I don't want your sympathy. I'd feel like I'm living off you." I say.

"How would you be living off us if you have a job?" Ian pipes up. I just shrug.

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell one of us. Are you embarrassed to live with one of us or something?'' Matt asks.

"Of course not. That's a stupid question." I protest.

"Well, your stupid for thinking you could survive living like that." Josh interjects.

"You know if all your going to do is yell at me I'm leaving." I say going to walk out. Someone grabs my arm stopping me.

"Your not going anywhere. We're getting this situation figured out." Josh says gripping my arm. I rip my arm put of his grasp and run out.

"Emma!" I hear them call after me. I don't look back i just keep running until i reach my car. I then drive as far away from them as possible. All i want to know is how they found out.


Picture of Lindsey on the side --------------------------->

The song is called 'Healing Begins by: Tenth Avenue North'


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