Chapter 11

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"No I'm not coming back. He's such a jerk." I say angrily into my phone.

"Please, Emma!" Elena pleads.

"I just-" I get cut off by that beeping sound that happens when you have a call waiting.

"Hold on i'll call you back. Someones on the other line." I say.

"Fine." Elena huffs. I hang up and begin talking to the other person.

"Hello?" I say.

"Is this Emma Leary?"


"Hi, I'm Katie the manager at Bath & Body Works at the Richmond Centre." She explains. That's right! I applied there too since they just opened.

"Oh! I'm sorry i didn't know." I say politely which is a drastic change from how i was about 50 seconds ago.

"Well, I'm just calling to inform you that we've chosen you to be one of our new employees." Katie says. A huge smile breaks out on my face.

"Really? Thank you so much! You have no idea how badly i needed the job." I thank her.

"It's no problem we need the workers." She says.

"Well, thank you again. What are my hours?"

"We would like you to work from 3 pm to 8 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays."

"That's perfect." I say.

"Alright, great. You start on Friday of this week."

"I'll be there. Thanks once again."

"Okay, goodbye."

"Bye." I say and hang up.

I do a happy dance in my seat of my car which is kind of hard to do....But, it doesn't even matter because i got the job. Hopefully it pays well. My phone starts ringing again. I answer it.

"Hello?" I say happily.

"Hi is this Emma Leary?"

"Yes, this is her."

"This is the manager at Starbucks. I'd like to let you know that you got the job."

"I-i did?" I ask. Maybe i should just take it as long as it doesn't interfere with my other job i just got 2 minutes ago. As long as none of the guys or Elena find out i have 2 jobs I'm good. They would start asking questions if they found out.

"Yes you did. Your hours would be Monday, and Tuesday from 4 pm to 10 pm. Considering the position is only part-time."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Wonderful, you'll start on Monday of next week." She says. Well, i figured that since it's already Wednesday.

"Okay see you then. Thanks."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." I say and hang up.

If i have 2 jobs it'll probably be easier for me to save up money to buy another apartment. Hopefully i'd be able to keep it this time. Wait, it would take me a long time to afford on though. I have to pay my cell phone bill, my car payment, i need gas for my car, i need food. Oh, this is just great. My mood just went down about 50%. I just need to figure out how to take showers. Elena would get suspicious if my water is broken still since, i've been taking showers at her place. This is just wonderful. What am i going to do?

My cell phone ringing again breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say unhappily.

"Em? Are you alright?"

"Sarah?" I ask slightly confused.


"Oh my god, i haven't talked to you in forever. I miss you!" I say excitedly.

"I miss you too."

"How's New York?"

"It's great. I auditioned for a play yesterday." Sarah says. I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Really? Did you get the part?"

"I don't know yet. How's Canada? Did you find our future husbands?" I then remember what Sarah and i have been saying for as long as i can remember. Our plan was, save up money to go to Vancouver and find Josh Ramsay and Matt Webb. Then marry them. Wow, well never mind to that plan.

"Believe it or not but, I'm kind of friends with them."

"Your joking."

"Nope. 100% serious dude." I explain.

"OH MY GOD!How did you find them!?" She yells into the phone breaking my eardrum in the process.

''They found me.'' I laugh. I tell her the story about meeting them.

"Only you would meet them at a park." She says.

"I know right?"

"Em, we've been on the phone for over an hour.'' Sarah informs me.

''Oh, whoops. Well, i have to call Elena back." I say.

"Why doesn't she like me?'' Sarah asks.

"I have no clue. But, don't worry Sarah i've known you longer and i know you better." I explain.It's true, i've only been friends with Elena since 10th grade. I've been friends with Sarah since 7th grade and went over her house after school at least once a week. Her house was like my 2nd home since i spent most of my time there.

"And im your favorite so...." She laughs.

''Yeah, Sarah whatever you say. Alright well, call me again i miss you."

"Miss you too. Bye. Lylas." She says.

"Lylas girl. Bye." I say and hang up once again. I guess I'm pretty popular today since everyone keeps calling me. I don't feel like calling Elena back now.

I start my car and drive around trying to find a place to park for the night so i can sleep. I just hope everything works out and i can have a real bed again.


If you were wondering Lylas means: Love you like a sister.

The song is 'Money by:Pink Floyd'

The picture on the side is a cover made by: Tru_Heart from Emarald Cat Designs

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