Chapter 17

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I wake up the next morning in an uncomfortable position but, i guess that's what i get for sleeping in a chair. Last night i slept at the hospital with Elena so she wouldn't be lonely. Elena and the guys tried to get me to go back to Josh's apartment and being the stubborn person i am i refused to. So, here i am almost falling off one of the most uncomfortable chairs in the world surrounded by the smell of sickness.

"Emma, are you awake?" I hear Elena call over to me .I sit up regularly in the chair and stretch.

"Yeah, why?" I ask yawning in the middle of my sentence.

"Good, go get me some breakfast." She demands smiling cheerfully.

"Wow, i feel so loved. No 'good morning, Emma' or 'how did you sleep, Emma'. Just 'go get me breakfast slave.'" I say to her.

"How do you expect me to go get it myself. I got hit by a car." She says gesturing to herself head to toe. Well, i guess she has a point although a simple good morning would've been nice.

"Fine, what do you want." I sigh standing up rubbing my sore neck.

"Toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes, syrup, waffles, and orange juice." She smiles.

"Jesus Christ where do you put all of that?!" I ask. She has a seriously fast metabolism considering all the shit she eats everyday.

"Um, I'm pretty sure i put it in my mouth. Then it goes to my stomach. Then it comes out my-" I cut her off before she can say what i think she was going to say.

"Okay i get it, Now, can i have some money to buy you all of that?" I ask holding out my hand.

"Yeah, about that..." She trails off.

"Oh my god. You don't have any money do you?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. She shakes her head.

"Fine but, you owe me that money back." I say heading towards the door.

"I'll have it to you asap." She calls after me .Asap for Elena is about 3 to 4 months so i don't expect getting my money back any time soon.

I get to the cafeteria that's filled with either elderly patients or doctors getting a quick breakfast before cutting people open. At least that's what I'm assuming they're doing with their day. I go over to the breakfast bar and get all of the stuff Elena wanted. 2 pieces of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, chocolate chip pancakes, maple syrup, and a bottle of orange juice. I know she didn't say what kind of pancakes she wanted but, if she doesn't like the chocolate chip ones then she can just go fuck herself. Wow, I am not a morning person. Once i reach the check out counter i grab a banana to silence my stomach that's growling uncontrollably. After i pay i start to head back to Elena's room. Once I'm just around the corner i hear 2 familiar voices talking.

"Well, is that how you feel about her?" Matt.

"Yes! But, its so frustrating because I'm afraid she'll do the same thing that Amanda did." Josh. Are they talking about me?

"Dude, Emma isn't like that. I'm pretty sure she feels the same was about you. At least that's what Elena told me." Matt reassures him. I stay hidden behind the corner so they don't see me. I know what your thinking; Emma, eavesdropping is wrong! But, they're talking about me I'm just curious.

"She told Elena she likes me?" Josh asks.

"Not exactly. But, she said that you could tell that Emma has feelings for you even when she's pissed at you about some douche bag thing you did." Matt says.

"Yeah, that's me the lanky douche." Josh says.

"You are. So, at least try not to mess this up. For both of you." Matt says.

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