Chapter 10

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I wish I could say the last 3 weeks of living on a car has been fun but, that'd be a complete lie. Right now I'm walking from Starbucks where i just applied for a job to my car or home whatever you'd like to call it. Hopefully i get the job i need it so badly. Oh, yeah i got fired from my old job because i didn't show up for a week with no explanation. Just icing on top of the cake, right?

"Emma?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn to see Elena and Matt. Both with a tray of drinks in one of their hands.

"Hey guys." I smile awkwardly. Please don't ask why I'm here, please don't-

"What are you doing here?" Elena asks. Well, I guess begging doesn't work...

"Nothing." I reply nonchalantly.

"Of course your here for a reason." Elena pushes. She is a pretty pushy person.

"I just got a coffee decided to sit in there for a while." I say. I wish I had money to buy a coffee I use it for gas and food though.

"Oh. Where have you been no one has seen you for like a week." She frowns. For the first two weeks I was hanging around everyone to make sure nobody thought anything was going on with me but, this week i've just been trying to straighten my life out. Find a job, trying to organize my car/house. I've applied to a few places but, i haven't heard anything back yet hopefully Starbucks will be the one fingers crossed.

"I've been around." I say.

"Obviously you haven't because no one has seen you. Ramsay's been really annoying lately we need you to straighten him out." Matt says.

"I'm sorry. Where are you guys headed?" I ask.

"Actually to the studio." Matt replies.

"Yeah, come with us. I  need to catch up with my bestie." Elena giggles linking her arm with mine.

"Sure." I smile. I glance back at my car. Please, don't let anything happen to it! We begin to walk back to Matt's car and head to the studio.

After about 15 minutes of listening to Elena tell Matt to turn down the radio so she could talk to me and of him complaining that he couldn't hear it now, we arrive at the studio. We get out of the car and head inside. I can hear Josh and Ian bickering about something. I just realized how much i missed Josh and the rest of the guys. My life is pretty boring when they aren't around. We walk into the room where the couches are and i spot Josh. God, he is so hot. Okay get a hold of yourself. Mike, Ian, and him glance over. They then have to do a double take since they spot me.

"Emma!" Ian says a big grin breaking out on his face.

"Hey." I smile. Suddenly I'm engulfed in a bear hug by none other than Mr.Ayley.

"Hey, Mike." I smile and hug him back. He lets go and i walk over to the couch and plop down next to Josh.

"Hey Josh." I smile at him.

"Did anyone here that? No? It must be the wind." He says taking the coke zero off of the table in front of him.

"Um, no I'm pretty sure that was Emma..." Elena points out.

"Emma? Nobodies seen or heard from her for days since she wont answer her phone. She obviously doesn't care how it makes other people feel.'' Josh says after he takes a sip from his coke zero. Oh yeah! My phone it died and i didn't have anything to charge it with. I don't have a phone charger for my car so i couldn't charge it after it died. But, when i went to Starbucks to apply for the job today i charged it.

"Josh, I'm sorry. But, I'm here now." I say trying to apologize.

"Someone should shut the window that winds getting annoying. I'm going to work on some songs." He says getting up and walking off. I sit there dumbfounded i didn't know he cared that much. I can't believe he did that though! What's his problem!?

"I'll go talk to him." Mike says getting up.

"No, i will." I say and storm down the hallway.

I check a whole bunch of rooms and finally find him sitting in a recording booth writing in a notebook. He must write his songs in there. I throw the door open and storm over to him. He doesn't even look up to see who it is.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask angrily. He doesn't respond he just carries on with writing  something down in his notebook.

"Josh!" I yell trying to get his attention. Still, nothing okay he's being a real douche bag right now. I'm completely pissed off too so this is not good. I walk right in front of him rip the notebook out of his hands and throw it on the floor. He gives me a dirty look.

"What!?" He yells at me.

"I said, whats your problem!?" I yell back.

"You! You're my problem!" He counters.

"What did i do?" I ask.

"What did you do? Well, i called you a thousand times and you didn't answer. It was like you disappeared off the face of the earth for a week! That's what you did." He explains angrily.

"Why does it matter to you? I don't have to tell you where i am at all times." I say.

"Why couldn't you just answer your god damn phone?"

"Because it was dead." I say matter-of-factly.

"Charge it!"

"I couldn't."

"Why not?"

Oh, no how am i supposed to answer. I cant just flat out say 'well, I'm homeless and living in my car so i don't have an outlet to plug my charger into.' Yeah, that's exactly what i should say. Note my sarcasm.

"Because i lost my charger.'' Nice one, Em.

"Buy a new one!" Does he have an answer for all my problems?

"You know what, Josh? Just shut up! I don't want to deal with you right now." I say.

"What do you mean deal with me? I don't want to deal with you!"

"Fine. At least we agree on something." I say and turn to walk away. Once i reach the door i turn and look at the fuming singer.

"Oh, one more thing....Fuck you, Ramsay." I say and walk out.


The song is called 'Go Screw Yourself By: Avery' picked this song just cause.

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