Chapter 7

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I follow Josh into his apartment and I'm greeted by a black lab running at me. I bend down and scratch it's head.

"Boy or a girl?" I ask smiling and getting on my knees to pet the dog. She starts licking my face.

"Girl." Josh says smiling.

"She's adorable." I smile at the dog.

"Bennie come here." Josh says still smiling. Bennie actually listens to Josh and happily prances over to him. If I was that dog I would definitely not listen to Josh of all people. Josh scratches behind her ears. Then he looks over at me it's then that I notice I was staring.

"Done yet?" He asks cockily.

"Shut up." I say and pretend to be mad. He walks into the kitchen and I follow him since I don't know what else to do.

"Just can't stay away can you?" Josh asks pulling a coke zero from the fridge.

"Can I have one?" I ask ignoring his comment.

"No." He replies bluntly.

"Please?" I ask again extending my bottom lip. He chuckles and takes a sip slowly most likely just to mess with me. He walks over to me and bends down so our faces are like an inch apart. Yes, literally he has to bend down to reach my face since he's 6'2 and I'm only 5'6.

"Nope." He smiles and walks off. What the hell?! You can't just all up in some girls face that has a huge crush on you then walk away. I follow him once again to the couch in his living room.

"Why do you keep following me?" He asks reaching for the clicker.

"Well, what do you want me to do? Roam your house? Just give me the clicker." I say reaching for it.

"The what?" He laughs.

"The clicker." I repeat myself reaching for it again.

"It's called a remote. You sound like a 2 year old when you say that." He says.

"I've always called it that." I say grabbing it out of his hand. I start flipping through the channels.

"Ugh! There's nothing on!" I say loudly throwing my head back. One of Josh's cats jump onto the couch and lays on Josh's lap.

"Awwww. That's adorable." I giggle. Josh strokes the cats fur and I hear it purr. To be honest I'm kind of afraid of cats but, everyone has their own strange phobia, right? Mine just happens to be cats, don't judge me. Someone knocks on Josh's door.

"I'll get it." I say getting up off the couch. I open the door to reveal Matt.

"Hey, Matt." I smile.

"Hey, Emma." Matt says looking at me weird. He looks over my shoulder and gives Josh a look. I turn around to see what Josh does but, he changes his facial expression before I get a chance to see.

"Okay... Josh, I'm stealing some coke zero." I say to him and hurry to the kitchen.

"NO!" I hear Josh yell after me. I open his fridge and grab one someone wraps their arm around my waist and grabs the coke zero with the other.

"Come on. I just want one." I whine. They let me go and I turn to see Josh, of course. I pout at him.

"Pretty please, Joshie?" I say giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But, as long as you stop calling me Joshie." He says and hands me the coke zero.

"No I like Joshie." I say and open my coke zero taking a sip as I walk away. I love messing with him. I also love him he just doesn't know.


The video to the side------------------------------------------------>

Is just some random video I found of some girl getting a fist pound from Josh Ramsay. I think this is when he was teaching a music class at some school or something, I'm not to sure. I was laughing so fucking hard at this. The girl lost it hahaha. I love how she runs off saying "ohmygodohmygod" over and over. Best 44 seconds of my life.

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