Chapter 9

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After going out to eat with the guys and Elena I arrive back to my apartment complex I call home. I walk into the building and straight towards the elevator. I just need sleep. But, I guess other people have different plans for me.

"Ms.Leary! Emma!" I hear a familiar voice yell to me. I turn to see my super coming towards me.

"Hi Barry!" I greet him with a smile and a small wave.

"I have some bad news." Barry says. Well that just brought down my mood.

"What's the news?" I ask slowly scared of what the news is.

"Emma, I'm sorry but, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the building." He says. I become confused he's got to be joking right? What's the date today? Oh, it's definitely not April first.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter.

"I mean you can't live here anymore. I need you out by 2 o'clock tomorrow." He says. I feel my world crumbling down around me. Really?

"But, why?" I say barley above a whisper.

"Emma, you haven't payed rent for 3 months. I let it go but, strike three your out.'' Barry's always been big on baseball but, this is not the time for baseball metaphors.

"I-i can pay you back. I just need one more month to find a job. Please Barry you've gotta give me at least one more month!" I beg practically ready to fall to my knees.

"I'm sorry a couple just signed papers to rent out your apartment. They're coming at 2:30 tomorrow to move in," He says softly. "I'm really sorry to do this to you, Emma. Your a really nice girl. I wish you the best." I feel my eyes water.

"I'll be out by then." I say my voice shaky.

You know what, to hell with waiting for the elevator and letting all the other tenants see me cry I'm taking the stairs. I could use the exercise anyway. I rush over to the door and push it open running up the stairs to the fourth floor. I feel like Flash that really fast super hero. I run down the hallway and fumble with my keys to unlock the door. I finally push the key into the lock and throw the door open. I slam it shut loudly sure that the whole building heard it. I slide down the door tears flowing freely.

What am i going to do now? I'm officially homeless. I can't let the guys find out or Elena! It's to embarrassing. I get up trying to breathe and calm myself down. I go to my room and begin throwing all my clothes out of my drawers and searching for my suitcases. I cant take my furniture though since i have nowhere to bring it to. I guess I'll see if those stupid people who are taking away my home want it. I feel like shit.

I wake up the next morning laying on my bedroom-scratch that my old bedroom floor surrounded by luggage. I pull my phone out of my purse which was conveniently placed by my head and check the time. 11 o'clock. God dammit, I only have 3 hours. I take a quick shower and rush around to make sure i didn't forget to pack anything i need. I grab a few bags at a time bringing them down to my car. I still need to find somewhere to go! Well, I always have my car.....

"Emma, do you need help with those." I hear Barry ask me once I'm on my 5th and final trip downstairs.

"No this is the last of them." I say.

I lug the bags out of the building and towards my poor excuse for a car. I stuff them roughly into my trunk with my others and throw the last on in the backseat since there is no possible way to fit it in my trunk. I'm glad I splurged and got a range rover so I have at least some room to stuff everything in there. I know what your thinking how is a black range rover a poor excuse for a car?

Well, a few months back I got into an accident. The only thing damaged was the back of my car which is still completely messed up. I didn't have enough money to get it fixed so I just left it dented and scratched looking like a piece of shit

I take one last look towards the apartment buildings I used to call home and get into my car. Well, now I'm in my new home. My car. It's the only place I actually have. Your crazy if you think I'll ask the guys or Elena hell, even my family if I could live with them. I'm just to embarrassed. Now I need a job. That's next on my to do list right after figuring out how to sleep in this stupid car and be comfortable at the same time.


The song is 'Sad by: Maroon 5'  just cause I wanted Maroon 5....And plus I figured Emma's pretty sad since she has to live in her car and all. Yes, I know this chapter didn't have the guys in it and I'm sorry they will be in the next one.

Emma's car to the side ------------------------------------------------------->

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