Chapter 30

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"I'm going to miss you so much, you dumb bitch." Elena murmurs, squeezing me tight.

"I'm going to miss you too, you stupid whore." I reply, hugging her back just as tight.

"Please come visit." She whines, reluctantly letting me go.

"Elena, I can't. Come visit me in Edmonton, Randy would love to see you. He misses you, you know." I say.

"I know he does. I really should give him a call," She trails off, "Anyway I just don't know what I'm supposed to do without you. You're really just going to leave me with this bunch of idiots?"

"Hey!" Matt, Mike, and Ian say simultaneously.

"Don't worry I still love you guys, even if you are idiots." I smile at them.

"Thanks. Hey wait a se-" Matt gets cut off by Elena.

"Shut up you guys, I'm trying to say goodbye." She snaps.

"Calm your tits," Ian mumbles. She turns and glares at him as I try to stifle a laugh.

I look up towards the board showing all the flights, then I realize I need to board my flight now because the plane is taking off in five minutes.

"Holy shit, guys I need to go now." I say quickly.

"But-" Elena starts.

"Bye, Emma!" Ian says loudly as he pulls me to him in a tight embrace, cutting Elena off.

"Bye, Ian. I'm gunna miss you." I say hugging him back. He lets me go with a huge grin on his face, backing up so Mike can hug me.

"Bye, Em," He mumbles.

"Bye, Mikey. You always gave the best hugs, I'm going to miss that." I say. I pull away from Mike and Matt gives me one of his awkward hugs.

"I'm going to miss you the least, Matty" I mumble into his shoulder.

"What?" Matt asks confused, holding me out at an arms length.

"You suck and you're awkward as fuck." I explain.

"Well, I just came here because they made me. I'm not really going to miss you either, you bitch." Matt says. A smile breaks out on both of our faces as we laugh.

"You guys don't make any sense." Mike says.

"Mike, this is one of those things you don't need to know about. Shut the fuck up." Matt says through his fits of laughter.

 "Well then." Mike mumbles crossing his arms, feigning hurt.

"Matt you douche, look you made Mike sad." I say.

I walk towards Mike putting my arm around his shoulders, which looks awkward since I'm a lot shorter than him. It would've been worse if it was Josh though, whenever I even stand next to him it looks like he's kidnapping me. That's probably why people used to give us weird looks in public, I just thought it was because he was famous. But, right now isn't the time to be thinking about Josh.

 I take my arm away from Mike's shoulders, averting my eyes towards the clock on the wall. I realize I have 2 minutes to board the plane or they'll leave with or without me.

"Guys, I need to go now!" I exclaim.

They rush around putting my backpack on my shoulders for me, hugging me, leaving quick kisses on my cheeks, and pushing me towards the gate. I go to board the plane pulling the ticket from my sweatshirt pocket to hand to the stewardess, but someone yelling my name stops me. I turn around to see Mike coming towards me with a wrapped up box in his hands.

"Emma, Josh told me to give this to you before you left. I almost forgot." Mike says, handing me the wrapped box. I hold it in my hands debating whether to take the box or not.

"I don't know...." I trail off.

"Just take it, he wants you to have it. I still don't understand why you guys broke-up." Mike says, most likely wanting an explanation.

"Have you ever heard of that phrase, 'If you love something set it free'?" I ask.


"I thought that was the right thing to do. I was holding him back anyway, he deserves better." I say looking down at the box in my hands.

"You weren't holding him back, Em. Yeah you guys had your problems, maybe a little more dramatic than the usual couple, but he love you. He never wanted to lose you."

"I love him too. Except, I already made up my decision. I'm leaving and nothing can change my mind. Just, tell him I wish him the best. Bye, Mike." I say as I turn towards the stewardess and hand her my plane ticket.

"Bye. Don't forget us." He says as I walk onto the plane.

I never could forget them.

I go to my seat and out my backpack in the cupboard above. I go to the window seat claiming it as mine. I let out a loud sigh, people sending a few glances my way. I look down at the small box in my lap wrapped in red paper.

"From a boyfriend?" Asks an old woman who takes a seat next to me.

"No... just an old friend." I say, giving her a weak smile.

"Well, go on open it." She urges. I look down towards the box. I slowly pull the paper off, revealing a plain white box. I lift the lid off.

"I think this old friend of yours has some feelings for you, dear." She smiles brightly. Probably reminiscing about her past loves.

I pull it out of the box, holding he necklace in my hand. All I want to do is get off this plane and run to him. I just can't bring myself to.

That don't mean I don't think about you

I know we

Said it's just as well that I won't keep, keep you for myself

But, I don't want to see you happier with somebody else


Well, that's it. Please Just Follow Me is over. I seriously almost cried when I was writing this.

****Don't worry there's going to be a sequel!****

I can't end Josh and Emma's story like that, can I? So, I've already started working on some ideas for the sequel. It will be up soon. The title is going to be, Got The Start Wrong.

(The necklace Josh gave Emma on the side) ------------------------------------------------------------------->

The song is, 'Watching Someone Leave by: The Anytime'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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