Prologue: Meet the lord of hell

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???: You got to be joking right boss?

We see Y/n at his managers office at his job as we see his manager sitting on his chair while he is looking through the paper as he tells him.

Male manager: Nope, no joke. Your fired now get out of my store or I'll call security to kick you out.

Y/n: Can you at least tell me what did I do? I haven't done anything wrong or piss you off for a month!

Male manager: Well remember that homeless guy outside of our store that I told you to kick him out.

Y/n: Yeah what about it?

Male manager: Well instead of that you buy some food, handed over to the homeless guy and then he left.

Y/n: (visible confusion) What the fuck? I did what you have told! What's the problem with that?!

Male manager: (Mad) The problem is that guy is gonna come back with his smelly buddies and it will ruin this whole store because you give him free food!

Y/n: Holy shit. Your a fucking prick to assume that!? You can't honestly fire me for something that is good!

Male manager: (mad) Well guess what? I'm the boss around here and this society has no room to scum like them, especially you since you are poor yourself.

Y/n: (angry glear) You know what, fuck you! I hope this shop burns to the ground you selfish fucking son of a bitch.

He storm off and slammed the door behind him while his manager just smirked to himself as he swing his chair back. Y/n left the store as he let out a sigh as he look up at the afternoon sky, seeing its coming close to dark so he make his way to the bus station.

Soon he was on the bus and looking down at his phone to see the texts of his friends however none didn't reply since they abandon him. Now he has no job, no friends and no money as he let out a sigh.

Y/n: I'm living a shitty life right now.

Soon the bus arrived at his stop and he make his way to an apartment building which is the only thing he has to live. He enters the building and make his way to the 6th floor and head to his door as he open and then shuts as the door number on his door were "66" while Y/n throws away his useless stuff and jump into his bed and looking up at the ceiling.

Y/n: Damn my life sucks. I can't believe after my parents death, my life have to go down hill. (Sigh) I just wish my life would have been different, I just wish I can restart everything. I just give me something, better.

He lay on his bed as times gone by. Soon he fell asleep as he snore peaceful as he slept. Then all of sudden his bed started to shake, his desk also started to shake, his TV started to shake and everything in his apartment building started to shake around him.

Soon Y/n woke up and immediately sat up to see everything was shaking which he was confused and worried.

Y/n: What the hell is going on?! Is it an Earthquake?

Soon the TV across of him turned on and it shows a devil like figure as it look at Y/n while saying in a demonic like tone.

???: Y/n. Y/n.

Y/n: (shocked) What the hell?!

Suddenly the glass around him start to shatter. Lights flickering off and on like crazy and and bed started to shake violently as he leap off and step back a few steps, not noticed a firing portal open behind him which he goes through and then land hard at the stone floor as he look over to watch as the portal closes in front of him.

Hell world x Op male human reader: The New ruler of HellWhere stories live. Discover now