S1E1: Passion project

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(Opening scene)

(Somewhere in Pentagram city)

On the streets of Pentagram city we see many demons walking about and usually doing their own thing such as killing, stealing, taking drugs and other things like what they do while in Hell.

We then stopped what seems like a hooded person walking down the sidewalk whike looking wrong to be face with demons and hellhounds as if he was surprised. Then he walk by a window and turn and we can see in the reflection that he is a normal human by the name of Y/n L/n as he keep moving while a demonic voice named Satan says.

Satan: And here we are! After months of walking and avoiding dangerous creatures, we're finally here! PENTAGRAM CITY!!!!

No one didn't hear him say it out loud as Y/n just simply noded to him and then ask him.

Y/n: So this is one of many cities in hell?

Satan: Yep! Pretty impressive I'm I right? It's basically like New York but more destruction and traffic is even more shitty then humans New York.

Y/n: I see. (Noticed something) Hey, what's that?

He was looking up to the clock but beneath it was a counter which Satan tells him.

Satan: That's when sinners fell from the sky when they died.

Y/n: Huh. Say how come all humans are turned into demons?

Satan: Oh that's simple! You see, their human bodies die but their spirit will go to this purgatory which is basically where God or someone in charge decided you would go to Heaven or Hell. Anyways, if you go to hell then you be basically be give a demon like body while going hell. For Heaven properly a cute baby or animal but yeah, that's what happened.

Y/n: I see.

Then they walked away while there was scream and a new demon crashes in the middle of the street. He slowly open his eyes and realised that he survived as he sat up from his knees and pat on his body.

Random Demon: I'm alive! I'M ALIVE!

Second later he gets ran over by a car as the car parked to drop off someone while Y/n walked up a vending machine and figures to grab a drink but noticed all the selections were drugs and not drinks.

Y/n: Well.....this is just great.

???: Excuse me~!

Then a arm reach over him, pushing a button as a small bag drop down and then another hand hand takes it. Y/n quickly spin around to be met with a spider like demon with four arms as he turn to Y/n.

???: (smirk) What? You want some of me?

Y/n: Uuuummmm......No?

???: (smirk) Huh, you look new here kid. Gonna name?

Y/n: It's Y/n. I just came here. You are?

Angel dust: (smirk) Angel Dust (shakes his hand) At your services. You may know me as a famous porn star in all of Pentagram city.

Y/n stare at him and his hand and then wipe his hand, not wanna know what he was doing with his hand.

Angel dust: Say kid, don't tell anyone I'm here okay? I'm trying to lay low while I'm doing something with someone.

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