S1E24: Alone in a hotel (lemon)

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We see Y/n at the Lobby watching some TV. He switch through the channels feeling kinda bored as he sat there and let out a sigh.

Satan: Can't believe Blitz let you have a week off of work after your fight against Striker. How do you feel?

Y/n: A bit alright. However it's clear this thing isn't going away for a long time.

He lifted up his shirt to reveal a scar where Striker impaled him with as Satan reply.

Satan: Yeah but look at the bright side. At least you have a nice cool scar and a story to tell. I mean no one has never survived a angelic weapon.

Y/n: What about Vaggie? It seems she lost an eye and that doesn't seem to come back.

Satan: Oh yeah you have a point. Huh....still congrats on your first scar.

Y/n: You surely do congrat me after I did something that involves murder or close to death.

Satan: Yeah I do.

He sighs and then he sees Charlie and the rest walking by which he came over and ask them.

Y/n: Hey guys. Where are you all doing?

Vaggie: We're heading out to hand out these posters of our hotel.

Angel Dust: It may not work.

Charlie: It will work for sure.

Y/n: Mind I join?

Charlie: Sorry but we need someone to stay here and mind the hotel. Will you do that?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'll take care of things while your gone.

Charlie: (smile) Thank you. We'll be gone for a few hours. Bye~!

And so they all leave the hotel which leaves Y/n be as he let's out a sigh and then Justice came down the steps.

Justice: Hey kid wanna hang out at my room?

Y/n: Meh why not.

(Short while later)

The two are at Justice room as Y/n checks out all the police uniforms she has in stored as well as police based weapons while Justice is cleaning up her batons.

Y/n: You sure like police gear.

Justice: (smirk) Yep. It feels good beating down the fuckers who messes with you.

Y/n: I see.

Justice: So how is that scar.

Y/n: How did you know I have a scar?

Justice: It wasn't hard to hear Charlie panicking and asking your alright after you came back from the hospital. Pretty sure you didn't come home without a scar.

Y/n: Yeah it hurts like hell. It felt like a real blade. Most blades doesn't hurt much and my wounds get healed.

Justice: That's what Angelic weapons are. Once you get stabbed by one your wounds will never get healed. If your stabbed in a critical part of your body then that's game over. It's how those extermination angels use to kill sinners or any other citizen who is unlucky being outside during the purge.

Y/n: Yeah.

Justice: Even though they are corrupt.

Y/n: Really?

Justice: Yeah. Think about it, why did they even do this extermination day nonsense? I heard the main reason why they created it so just some excuse to kill us.

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