S1E14: Here comes justice!

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It was another day at the Hazbin Hotel where we see Y/n carrying a crate towards Husk's bar as we see him taking a drink when Y/n came up and set the crate onto the ground.

Y/n: Here we go. One crate of fresh and new booze.

Husk: Thanks kid. This will keep things up for the bit.

He pulled out a crowbar and start to open the crate and once open he takes one bottle out and then taste the drink.

Husk: Now this is the shit here.

Y/n: (smile) Well glad you like it. So how's things at the bar so far?

Husk: Nothing that is fucking important. Except how Angel Dust just shows up, trying to make his way with me.

Y/n: Yeah I can tell. Say where is he by away?

Husk: Probably getting some drugs or something. Don't care if he dies.

Y/n: Right. Well it seems like a peaceful day.

Husk: Fuck that.

Y/n: Still at least nothing can't surprise us.

Husk: Well you Jinxed it.

Satan: Yeah I agree you kinda fuck that up pretty badly.

Y/n: Yep.....I think I did.

Then the door kicked open which made Y/n and Husk turn as a female demon wearing a police outfit enter and called out to anyone that they can hear.

Justice: What's up mother fuckers! I hope you all don't do any crime because Justice is here to fuck you up! Yeah!

The only people where there was Y/n and Husk as they stood there until Charlie came out and came up to her.

Charlie: (smile) Ah perfect, your just in time. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel Justice, I'm Charlie, the owner of the hotel.

Justice: (smirk) Pleasure to meet you.

Satan: Huh they know each other.

Y/n: Don't think so.

Y/n make his way over and ask Charlie once he came up to her.

Y/n: So Charlie, whose she?

Charlie: (smile) This is Justice. I decided to hire a security guard to the hotel to have some protection and keep an eye on the guest if they break the rules.

Y/n: That's not a bad idea. I mean we have that snake dude coming in and cost some trouble for some reason.

Justice: (smirk) So this is the human I've heard about? Your pretty cute and handsome. I might place you under arrest for looking this good.

Y/n: (blush) Um thanks?

Satan: Okay teachers are hot but police woman are super hot! Damn dude this just got even better for you!

Charlie: (smile) I've set up a office for you so you can monitor the hallways and where you can sleep.

Justice: (smirk) Sounds good to me. (Turns to Y/n) I'll be keeping an eye on you closely handsome~.

She wink at him before the two leave while blushes before he leaves as he takes the elevator to his floor and once on the floor he walks through the hallway.

Y/n: So guess know we have a security guard for the hotel. Seems pretty good.

Satan: She's pretty hot and I love her entrance. Very cool.

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