S1E11: The deal

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We see Angel Dust driving through the streets of Pentagram city with Y/n on the passage side with the two being slinet during the drive. Angel Dust glance over to Y/n and then smirked.

Angel Dust: (smirk) So, you may probably wondering why I'm bringing you into this hideout.

Y/n: Uuummm just so you can rape me?

Angel Dust: Hahahahahahahah!!! (Sigh) Your funny but close but not really. I've set up a deal with a mafia gang at the Greed ring and I figured I'll bring you into the picture.

Y/n: What sorta deal is it?

Angel Dust: (smirk) Nothing important just some drugs.

Y/n: (sigh) You do realise Vaggie will kill you if she finds out your doing drugs.

Angel Dust: (smirk) Well that one eye bitch can't do anything if I keep the drugs at my hide out.

Y/n: You have a hide out? Scene when?

Angel Dust: Figured I have a hide out so i can store in my "important" stuff without anyone at the hotel knowing about it.

Satan: Huh copy my idea. Very good.

Y/n: And your telling me this because?

Angel Dust: (smirk) We're friends after all. Besides with those over powered powers you have and the lack of action you have ever Scene you first got here, I figured I let you join in on the fun.

Satan: Finally! I've been waiting to rip off some heads and drink theirs blood.

Soon they arrived at the docks and parked at a storage house which they approach the door and then Angel Dust opens the door and step inside.

Inside were tons of boxes stacked up to each other that contains a lot of things such as weapons, drugs and money. At the far back was a living place where there is a TV a couch and a table at the middle with a small kitchen at the left side as Angel Dust walks over and pull out a beer from the fridge.

Angel Dust: (smirk) Like it? This is me and Cherri usually hang out. (Drinks the beer)

Y/n: (looks around) Pretty nice place. So is it just you two or is there more?

Angel Dust: (smile) Yep. Me and Cherri are BFFE.

Y/n: And that stands for?

Angel Dust: "Best fucking friends ever!" Trust me, I like a bit of chaos but Cherri is upsets with chaos. Trust me, she loves to blow shit up!

???: Did someone say blow shit up?

Y/n look around to see where that voice came from only for Cherri to fall and landed on top of him. Y/n slowly open his eyes only to be met with Cherri's eye as she let out a soft giggle.

Cherri: (smirk) Hey there handsome. See you're here to join the fun.

Y/n: (nervous) Um yeah?

Cherri: (smirk) Awesome! (Gets off of Y/n) Names but you may probably already know me and I definitely know you, we met a while back didn't we?

Y/n: (gets up) Yeah, that's right.

Cherri: (smile) Man you were soo cool when you introduced yourself to all those in hell, I nearly wet myself when you first make yourself known to all of us.

Y/n: Um.....thanks?

Cherri:......Hey Angel is it alright I fuck him.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

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