S1E28: A celebration in hell (lemon) (Season 1 final)

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We see the Hazbin hotel as a taxi drives up in front of the hotels gates and Y/n climbs out of the taxi and once he is out the taxi drives off.

Y/n: Boy what a day. Here I thought that job too forever.

Satan: Lucky it didn't. Feels good to be home.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

He looks at the hotel with a smile and then begins to walk over to the hotel while he tells Satan.

Y/n: You know even though Hell is something not anyone wants to be in, it's.....kinda nice.

Satan: Yeah. We met new friends, new enemies and gone through a lot of adventures. We screamed, laughed and we did so many killing. Time goes by.

Y/n: Yeah. You know I'm kinda glad your here with me throughout our adventure. Thanks man.

Satan: You know at first I thought you'll be annoying but you've grown and now your the most powerful being that hell has ever seen. Even though we still need to figure out how we get you to be king of hell.

Y/n: We'll get there but for now.

He walks up to the door and opens it and says while he steps in.

Y/n: (smile) Just want to relax and enjoy my-

Angel Dust: Catch!

Suddenly a bomb landed on Y/n's hand and was about to blow up. He begins to panic and then throws it away to the middle of the hotel. He waited for it to blow up but then it open ti reveal a small note that said "surprised!"

Y/n: What the-?

Suddenly confetti exploded and rain down from the ceiling while a banner saying "Happy Birthday" above is shown as Charlie and everyone came out and cheered.

Everyone: (smile) Happy Birthday!

Y/n stood there stunned and confused as he turn to see they are talking to someone but sees no one and turns back to them.

Y/n: Huh?

Charlie: (smile) It's your birthday! Yay!

Vaggie: (smirk) Congratulations.

Y/n: Um.....how did you know today was my birthday?

Husk: Angel Dust was in your room looking for his big when he found your journal. He read through and found out your birthday and told everyone about it.

Y/n: You read my journal!

Angel Dust: Oh don't worry I didn't told everyone everything that you wrote. Because I hate reading but I did read the Birthday part because-

Vaggie: Gives you a chance to have sex with someone on their special day?

Angel Dust: No! Look I'm maybe a porn star but I don't always go around and having sex.


Angel Dust: Okay that's a lie and besides Y/n isn't my type. No offence.

Y/n: Actually I'm glad you said that.

Alastor: (appears behind him) What a great day to celebrate the day of your birth! Ladies and gentlemen let's celebrate our birthday gentlemen!

They all clap while Y/n smiled while being flustered. Soon they take him to the living room where his presents are waiting to be open. He begins opening and there were a lot of gifts such as Husk favourite beer, Niffty's "cleaning tool" which is just a flamethrower with a red bow on the handle.

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