S1E2: Welcome to The Happy Hotel

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(Limo scene)

The Limo makes its stop at the Happy Hotel as the trio step out in slinet and head inside. Angel and Vaggie head inside with Charlie follow behind as we see the inside of the hotel dark and party decorations were set up to great everyone.

However that's not gonna happen.

Vaggie sat down at the couch while letting out a frustration sigh while Angel walks over to a mini fridge and pulled out a popsicle which he take out one while Charlie sat on top of a box.

Angel Dust: Probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place. You know, to feed all the wayward souls you got in here.

He let out a laughter while Charlie sat there in slinet as Angel's laugh died down as he was about to say something to her but then turn and walk off.

Charlie then look out at the front door and soon she leave the hotel a bit and pulled out her phone to call her mother as she press the call button and then put the phone onto her ear.

The phone immediately goes to voice mail so Charlie says through the voice mail.

Charlie: Hey mom, um, I know I keep calling and you must be busy....really bust but the interview didn't go well and I.....I don't know if I'm going to make a difference. I don't know what I am doing, I could really use some advice mom. I........I think dad was right about me. Anyway I'll stop talking before this gets long hehe. Love you, bye.

She sent the voice mail and then enter back inside as she lend her back against the door and then shut her eyes for something wonderful to happen.

Then suddenly there was a knock at the door which she turn to the door and it knocked again. She stare at it for a bit in surprise so she reach over to the door handle and then open and was face to face with Y/n who gives her a nervous smile while she was stunned for a moment.

Y/n: (nervous) Um hi there. Can we talk-

Suddenly she slam the door in front of him which surprised him as Satan said.

Satan: Hate to be the guy to say I told you so.

Y/n let's out a sigh and again he knocks at the door and called out.

Y/n: Look I know I'm human and I said all these things in the news but I came here with no harm. I came here to help because I believe that you can redeem other demons and sent them to Heaven. I think.....I think your idea will work.

There was slince at the other side and after a while the door slightly open a bit as Charlie peak through the doors cracks.

Charlie: You.....believe in me?

Y/n: (smile) Of course! I know your gonna make this hotel the best hotel any demons ask for. All I'm asking is to let me in and maybe I can help?

Charlie: I.....I don't know.

Y/n: I get it, your not sure what to do but in situations like this, you needed something good to come and lucky for you....I'm here! What do you say?

Charlie thinks about in for a moment and after a while she opens the door, clear her throat and then tells Y/n.

Charlie: (small smile) Well let me be the first to greet you. Welcome to the happy hotel, where we redeem all souls and show them happiness and friendship.

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