S1E9: "Perfect family"

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It was another day in IMP and they have a client by the name of Mayberry as we see her in Blitz's office with Blitz and Y/n there as she tells them how she ended up here and who she wanted them to kill. She used to be a teacher and on her husbands birthday she got cheaters by hee husband by a women which she enter her blind rage brutality murder the two in front of her students who were watching the computer call which at first was planned to sing happy birthday to her husband before she found out he cheated on her.

Mayberry: You do everything right, play by all the rules and still ended up here after one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here, to get revenge.

Y/n: (shocked)...............Whoa.......I mean.....just.......Whoa....that......that was....I have no idea what to say here.

Satan: Yeah at first when she mentioned about the happy song and happy kids I was about to throw up but the ending......damn. That went down really fast.

Blitz: Was she hot though?

Mayberry glare at Blitz while Y/n place his hand onto his face and let out a sigh while telling Blitz.

Y/n: Blitz, if you wish for clients to respect you, you should show respect towards them and not say shit that will piss our clients off.

Blitz: Well there is one thing I do know is that scene she got her revenge by killing two of the huge dick heads of all time, I guess there is nothing much we can do.

Mayberry: Not all of them. That bitch live and now everyone call her a hero because of it.

Satan: Huh, guess humanity is very dumb up there. Thye can call anyone a hero as long they survive some sort of a attack.

Y/n: Yeah I have to agree humanity has become dumb over the years.

Mayberry: I know. (Glance at Y/n ans smirked) So....your a bodyguard huh? You look pretty young to be one.

Satan: To be far Millie and Moxxie look like children due to their height.

Y/n: (nervous smile) Yeah I guess I am. Anyways if yo tell us who this person who wrong you is and we can get to work right away.

Mayberry: (giggle) Your a hard worker. I like that.

She then winks at him which made Y/n blush in surprise.

Satan: Man who knew you be flirted by a teacher......oh wait me but you can't blame yourself, she is hot.

Blitz: Right, Anyways Y/n head to the waiting room to get everyone else ready while I'll get things sorted out here.

Y/n: Sure thing.

Mayberry: (giggle) Hope I see you again hot stuff. (Wink)

He smiled nervously and leaves the room and enters the waiting room to see Moxxie and Millie behind the desk and aiming a crossbow at a picture of a family which Loona is holding up while laying on the couch and looking through her phone.

Y/n: Um I see you two are target practicing?

Millie: Something like that. Mox here doesn't like killing a whole family.

Moxxie: Well I mean, it's a family. How is it okay to ruin a perfect family?

Y/n: To be fair the wife did cheated on her husband and have sex with our clients husband so its just her we should kill.

Moxxie: Yeah but would that not ruin a whole family if she dies.

Satan: Oh please killing one member of the family will not do any harm......Well except the husband might be abusive and the kids may turn psychopaths or something but fuck that family I'm I right!?

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