S1E23: The Harvest moon Festival

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We see the IMP van driving along the dirt road within the ring of Wrath. Y/n looks out of the window to see everything looked like a warzone which Satan likes it.

Satan: Boy I miss this place. Although things have changed to the rest of the rings, at least this one hasn't changed.

Y/n: Looks nice.

He looks over to see Moxxie looking kinda nervous while Millie looking exciting as Y/n ask Millie.

Y/n: So your family lives here?

Millie: (smile) Yeah! It's been a long time since I see them so it will be great to see them.

Y/n: (smile) I bet they will be great to see you two as well.

Moxxie: Well not exactly.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Moxxie: Ever since I first met them they kinda dislike me because I'm not as strong as Millie.

Y/n: Oh well I'm sure they are long pass that right now. Besides if they are not nice people, they wouldn't allow us to stay at their place for the the harvest moon festival.

Millie: (smile) He's got a point.

Moxxie: I suppose so.

Soon the gang arrived at Millie's family farm where Millie's parents are waiting as Bliz Park the van and Millie was the first to came out as she runs over and hugs her dad and mum.

??? Yeehaw! How is my beautiful killer doing?

Millie: (smile) I'm doing fine pa. Thanks for letting us stay here.

??? 2: (smile) It's no trouble. We know your not making as much as much anymore since y'all went "freelance."

Millie: (smile) Freelance pays fine ma. We're fine....its fine.

Moxxie and Y/n pull out the luggages as Millie walks over to Moxxie.

Millie: (smile) You remember my husband Moxxie.

Moxxie turns to see their disapprove look as Moxxie nervously clear his throat.

Y/n: Man they really do disapprove him.

Satan: Can't really blame then since Mox is weak as fuck.

Moxxie: (smile) Greetings Lin, Joe, how are you been now with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?

Joe: We lost our old farm head to one of them tarots last week.

Moxxie: Oh crumps....i am so sorry. I didn't mean to open that wound sir.

Blitz: Hey watch it, I'm the sir here bucko!

Y/n: Probably best not get involve with this Blitz.

Blitz: I can get involve anyway I like.

Millie: Oh yeah! You all never met my boss Blitz and her hellhound.

Loona: I'm not just his Hellhound.

Blitz: Yeah she's my daughter.

Loona: Only on paper.

Millie: And this is Y/n, he's our body guard of the company.

Y/n: Greetings. Its nice to meet you two.

Joe: (smirk) And nice to meet you as well. I heard a lot of things about you at Pentafram City with all of those gangs and your power. Now that's what a man does.

Y/n: (surprised) Oh.....Well thanks. But again it's nice to meet you two.

Lin: (smile) It's nice to meet you as well. Besides our daughter told me great things about you and how you help around her and her husband with a lot of things. Now that's a strong man.

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