S1E7: Life as a Hellhound

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Y/n burst out of his room in a hurry and slam the door behind him. He place his back against the door while breathing heavily as he have soo many questions on who that girl is and how did she enter his room all of a sudden.

Charlie: Y/n are you okay?!

Then Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust came over with Angel Dust yawning and rubbing his eye.

Angel Dust: You better have a good reason screaming out of nowhere. If it's a murder in your room then you'll get use to it.

Y/n: Well I don't know who she is but she is in my room right now!

Vaggie: What? How did someone even enter the hotel?

Y/n: I have no fucking idea but it scares the living shit out of me so I ran out before she try anything.

Vaggie: And that's why you wearing nothing but a shirt and underwear?

Y/n look down and seeing he is just wearing his underwear which Charlie cover hee eyes while blushing while Angel Dust smirked.

Angel Dust: (smirk) That's seme tight underwear you have there.

Y/n: Can we please ignore that and go back to the subject that there is a woman in my room!

Charlie: Okay. How about we go in there and see what she wants.

Vaggie: I'll ready my spear.

Charlie: No, No! In a kind way.

Angel Dust: (smirk) Yeah, like something you should be learning about.

Vaggie shot a angry glare at Angel Dust as Y/n open the door a bit and poke out to see no one inside. He open the door and they walked inside and look around for the girl but she just vanished.

Vaggie: (checks the bed) She's not in the bed.

Angel Dust: (check the bathroom) Not in the bathroom.

Charlie: Maybe you must be in your imagination.

Y/n: Yeah, your right. I've must have seen things and I-

???: Back so soon my love~?

Immediately they all froze and slowly turn around to see the girl there near the window as she approaches Y/n and gets too close of him, soo close that her breast pressed onto his chest as she gently touches his cheeks.

???: I'm glad your back darling. How's about we celebrated by having sex. I may moan more louder if that would turn you on?

Satan: I like this sexxy bitch already.

Vaggie: Um....What the fuck is this?! Who is this hooker!

Then she shot her a angry glare while she hugged Y/n too tight which he can hear some of his bones crack while Charlie step forward

Charlie: Um hello there. What my friend is trying to say is who are you and how do you know Y/n?

Modeus: I am Modeus and I know of him because he is my love.

Vaggie and Charlie: Your love?

Angel Dust: (smirk) Holy shit! Your dating a psychology bitch!?

Y/n: (blush) Now holf on I don't even know you!

Modeus: I know but I can smell how similar you are to Satan himself.

Y/n: Satan?

Satan: Me?

Modeus: Yes. You see, I am a huge fan of him. Soo much in fact I'll kill any sinners or demons who mock him or try to kill him. I worshipped him every day and do whatever it takes to make him notice me. When I heard about his death I was depressed but when I heard of a human who has powers like Satan, I knew you will be my lover, you are a reborn Satan and together we will make everyone pay for your death and be together, forever~.

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