S1E13: Octavia's family

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We see Y/n standing in front of the gates of Octavia's home as he sees her room and it looks very nice as the gates open and he step through the gate. He look around the front entrance and then climb up the steps and stood in front of the door as he rang the doorbell.

Y/n: (smile) I know Octavia's family are royal but this place ie pretty nice.

Satan: Meh it's alright. Mines better.

Y/n: Sorry but the last time I saw your place it's nothing but dust.

Satan: Fuck you dude! Back then, ladies would fuck me anywhere in my castle. You know the favourite room they like the most?

Y/n: What?

Satan: Every room in the castle.

Y/n: (sigh) Why I'm I not surprised.

Then the door open and Y/n was face to face with Octavia's mother who just look at him in disgust.

Y/n: (smile) Hi you must be Octavia's mother. Names Y/n, I came here to hang out with-

She then slammed the door on him which he stood there for sometime.

Satan: Man people love to slame doors on you.

Y/n: Apparently so.

Suddenly there was screaming at the other side and hears objects being move and even a imp waiter was throne out of the window which Y/ sees Stolas has a rough life with his wife.

Short while later Stolas open the door and let's Y/n in.

Stolas: I'm so sorry about my wife Stella.

Y/n: Oh no that's okay Stolas she seems.....in a bright mood.

Stolas: Yes she's always in a mood. But anyways I am glad you came here. Please allow me to give you the tour.

He nodes and the two walk through the mansion and soon walk down a hallway filled with paintings mounted on the wall as Y/n looks at them and then sees Stolas as a child.

Y/n: (smile) Aaww is that you Stolas? You were cute.

Stolas: (smile) Yes I was such a cute little one back then.

He looks a long line of paintings and sees one with Stolas with his father.

Y/n: Is that your dad?

Stolas: Indeed. He used to live here until he left me with this place and the responsibility I was given.

Y/n: You have a interesting family life.

Stolas: Yes i have. But enough about me what about you? I heard all across the media that your going to be rule over hell I'm I correct?

Y/n: (smile) That's correct. I maybe just a human in hell but I do have demonic powers.

Stolas: How interesting. Also how is Blizty doing?

Y/n: Well......he'll be in the hospital for a week. Along with....Millie and Mox. So what's the thing between you and Blitz?

Stolas: (smile) Me and Blitz are great friends. He'll come by whenever my wife is not here, we get comfortable and talk about how our lives been.

Y/n: Oh well that sound go-

Stolas: And the he'll pinned me into my bed, shove his d*ck into my *ss, thrusting his d*ck into me soo hard I cry out like a girl being f*cked by her boss, and then he sucks my d*ck with his juicy lips and the he-

Stolas noticed Y/n looking at him a bit stunned as Stolas clear his throat and said.

Stolas: My apologies, got carried away. (Nervous chuckle) So allow me to take you to see Octavia.

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