S1E6: Hell's rules

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We see Y/n at the park which where he will be meeting Charlie for them to hang out as he sat down at the park's bench and sat there for a moment and waiting for her. He look around to see everything is.....almost normal as he sat there and waited for a minute in a half as Satan get bored and ask.

Satan: Where the fuck is she?

Y/n: Maybe she's running late? Give her time, she'll show up.

Satan: Well I'm not gonna wait 600 years for her.

Y/n: Well don't worry, I'm sure she will come for sure.

Alastor: And right you are little sport because I'm here!

He jump back and turn to see Alastor smiling at him as Y/n was confused so he ask.

Y/n: Alastor? What are you doing here?

Alastor: (smile) I'm here to hang out of course.

Y/n: Say what?

Alastor: (smile) Oh you poor boy, you think you were really going to hang out with Miss Charlie? No.

Y/n: But her voice through the phone, how can that be-

Alastor: (Charlie's voice) Like this? As a radio demon I can changed my voice into anymore as I pleased. (Alastor's voice) Pretty impressive don't you think so?

Y/n: Well yeah but you trick me to come here? Why?

Alastor: (smile) Simple answer! You see since you don't know much about hell, I figure I'll give you tips and rules of surviving hell. After all years have passed by and you need to know what to do and not to do while your in hell.

Y/n: Huh well I guess that is helpful to know about Hell. Sure, I guess I'll listen.

Alastor: (smile) Wonderful! Now come on, we're going to my favourite place to start with.

Y/n: And what's that?

(Moments later)

We see the two walking down into a small area with Pentagram city that looks like the 1980's or 70's as everything looks kinda nice and isn't so bad as Y/n thought it to be.

Y/n: Huh this isn't so bad.

Alastor: (smile) It may seem nice to you however beware, demons may not like what you and the others do or act. You see, there are areas that rather be stuck in a year such as the 1980's or 1990's or belong.

Y/n: I get it so like they rather be stuck in 1980's because that year was awesome to them.

Alastor: (smile) Indeed! I love going down here and meeting all the demons here.

Y/n: Well I bet they are pretty ni-

When they come around the corner Y/n turn to see female demons eating a male demon which shocked him as the female demons look up and wave at Alastor which he waved back at them with a smile and then tells Y/n.

Alastor: That there is one poor demon who broke one of  thr rules in this area. Best not to end up like him in the future.

Y/n: (shocked) I....I'll keep that in mind.


They arrived at another part of the city and standing in front of a strip club to which Y/n asked Alastor.

Y/n: So why are we at a strip club?

Alastor: (smile) In here are female succubus that performance dances or sex to guys when ever they enter to this place. The only price being they kill you after the "wonderful time" if you catch my drift.

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