S1E17: Hang out with a pop star (lemon)

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We see Charlie with Y/n's clothes to his room and once there she unlocks the door and then open the door as she called out.

Charlie: (smile) Don't mind me I'm just dropping your clothes-

She looks over and stunned to see a Hellhound standing in front of mirror and he turn to see her which she scream and ask while in the panic.

Charlie: (panic) Who are you! Get out!

???: Wow wait Charlie it's me!

Charlie: Wait? Y/n? Is that you? How?

Y/n: (smile) Well I remember how Loona has a ability to disguise herself as a human so I wanna try out this transformation powers and look at me now! I'm a hellhound. Pretty cool right?

Charlie: Huh that is pretty interesting. Is that you all you can turn into?

Y/n: (smile) Nope. I can transform into other things. Like this.

He snap his finger and immediately transforms into a IMP which surprised Charlie.

Y/n: (smile) Now I'm a IMP! Pretty cool right?

Charlie: (surprised) Very cool. Only the overlords who those who are powerful can have that ability.

Y/n: (smile) Yep.

Satan: You know I taught you how to do that right?

Then Y/n's phone beeped which he picked up and looks at the message on his phone.

Y/n: Well looks like I'm off.

Charlie: Another Job?

Y/n: Not really. Let's just say.....I'm gonna hang out with Verosika.

Angel dust: (kicks the bathroom door open) YOUR WITH VEROSIKA?!

Y/n: Yeah. Wait, why are you in my bathroom?

Angel Dust: Oh......Well if you find white dust at the kitchen sink, you wee why.

Charlie: Angel.

Angel Dust: Hey! At least I'm doing it once a week.

Charlie: It's kinda surprising that you made friends with Verosika.

Y/n: Yeah well I'm gonna go now but rang you.

He left his room and heads off as Angel Dust then ask Charlie.

Angel Dust: So.....How's your day?


We see Y/n at the Lust ring as we also see him within Verosika's limo with Apple, Coco, Kiki and Milky as all girls were looking at Y/n at the far end of the limo with Verosika sitting next to him with her arm over his shoulder as there was a moment of silence and then Y/n ask Verosika.

Y/n: So Verosika. This is the Lust ring. Pretty.....nice.

Verosika: (smirk) Yep. Home to all the succubus. You like it?

Y/n: I mean it's a pretty nice place.

Satan: The the most hottest place in hell. Oh yeah!

Verosika: (giggle) Your cute and we love that, right girls?

They all agree and then Y/n ask.

Y/n: Say I know you may not want to talk about it but I gonna know. What did Blitz do that gets you to hate him.

Verosika: Well if you must know about him well let me tell you. He was my bodyguard and I fall for him due to his badass attitude and his cool nature. That or he's really good with sex. Anyways we were a couple for a few years that is until he abandon me, made me pay the metal bills, steal my car, run three rings around hell and max my credit card on shitty house riding lessons! (Clear her throat) But yeah, that's why he's my ex and I hated him since.

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