S1E15: The challenge, challenge

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It was anther day with IMP as we see them in the van as Blitz is driving and signing along to the music on the radio with Loona at the front while Millie, Mox and Y/n at the back with Millie looking out of the window while Y/n is playing some mobile games as the group arrived at the parking lot beside their building as Blitz was about to park his original spot.

Suddenly a car parked at their spot by surprised which cost Blitz to immediately stop the van before he will crash to which he did.

Y/n: Guess someone has our spot.

Blitz: On really, well let's see about that!

He pulled out a megaphone from out of nowhere and yell through the megaphone, insulating the driver when the driver climb out of the car and revealing to be a female Succubus with very long white hair and wearing a fluffy pink like coat.

Blitz: Oh shit! Verosika Mayday.

Verosika: Blitzo.

Blitz: The O is silent and I thought you were in rehap at the sloth ring.

Verosika: (smirk) They let me out because I'm still famous and rehaps are for washup losers. Oh, your sister says hi.

Blitz leaves the car to argue to Verosika while Y/n look out of the window to watch them argue about a parking spot.

Lonna: (surprised) No way.

Y/n: I guess Verosika is famous here.

Satan: Super fucking famous here. She's best ranking of the best succubus in all of hell! She's pretty powerful and she's extremely hot! Basically she's a pop star.

Y/n: So Blitz dated a pop star? Huh, well judging how they dislike each other I can tell why he didn't tell us about her.

Satan: That loser dated Verosika Mayday, yeah right!


Satan: Holy shit he dated a fucking pop star. Shit.

Blitz: Now hold on there, your gonna remove  your cars or I'll-

He was tailing behind her as they gone pass the van when black hell hound who is more muscle as he growl at Blitz while he ask.

???: Or what?

Blitz: Or I'll  (pulls Y/n out of the car) Or he will. Yeah! He's my bodyguard and he's soo powerful than you so ha!

Y/n: Blitz I rather not get involve this.

Blitz: Your a bodyguard, your suppose to get involve.


Verosika: Oh, so you have a bodyguard of your own. Hm (approaches Y/n) Well aren't you interesting.

She gently stroke his cheek while she smirk which made Y/n blush very quickly seeing Verosika staring at him as he felt extreme attraction towards her. She smirked and then she gets up and said.

Verosika: Well Blitz this is my bodyguard, Vortex. Now if you excuse me, I have a job to do. (Flips the bird at Blitz while walking away) See ya fucker.

Y/n: (shake his head) Wow. She is powerful. I felt turned on at the sight of her.

Satan: Exactly. She's powerful and hot. I mean come on, who's gonna resist her?

Blitz: (sigh) I can't believe I've spend my time with a girl like that.

Loona: (exit the van) You dated Verosika Mayday!

Blitz: (Turns to Loona) Huh?! Oh yeah, we dated before.

Millie: (exit the van) Was it before she became a pop star or after she became a pop star.

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