S1E26: The Past returns (Part 2)

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Paul opens the door to the interrogation room and walk inside to be met by a agent with a glass window that they can see through the interrogation room while whoever is in the room can't.

Paul: So how are our guests doing? Have anything to tell us about?

Male agent: Nope. Apparently they are just fucking around with the two agents inside.

He sees Blitz talking trash about something to the other agent while this upsets him all awhile Paul is dumbfounded by this and ask.

Paul: How long has this been going on?

Male agent: Half a hour.

Paul: You shitting me? You get to tell me theh have been in there getting insulated by these.....weird ass dogs for half a hour?

Male agent: Yes sir.

Paul: Jesus christ. Wait.....do we have any truth gas?

Male agent: Yes.

Paul: Why the fuck can we not start that?!

Male agent: Oh....right. unleashing the gas now sir.

Paul: Fuck me I'm working with idiots.

Once the two agents leave the room the gas begins to pour into the interrogation room as Blitz and Moxxie have no choice but to breath on it.


They ended up in the holding cell as Millie peak her head through the windows to see a extremely dangerous criminal as the fells contain many criminals captured by the agents.

Millie: There is a lot of nut jobs here. Why could they not just kill them?

Y/n: (shrugged) Some may have important info but who knows.

Satan: Man those cells really suck. It's like a hotel then an actual cell.

Loona: So Y/n you okay? You know.....about Paul and your history with him.

Y/n: Yeah I'm okay. I'm not focused on revenge right now, I'm focused on getting Blitz and Moxxie out of here and go home.

Millie: (smile) Yeah. Although I do like to take vengeance for some one who fuck us or others now it may not be the time.

Loona: Yeah so how's about we shut up and find those two idiots.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Come on....we shouldn't be far to the interrogation room.

They keep on going while taking out any agents that gets in their way. Soon they reach the interrogation room and they burst in only to see no one inside. They walked inside and through the glass they see Blitz and Moxxie surrounded by gas and it appears they are singing.

Loona: The fuck are they doing in there?

Y/n: Looks like they are hallucination by the gas.

Loona: What gas is it?

Millie looks down at the controls and finds one that say truth gas.

Millie: Truth Gas by the looks of it.

Loona: So what are these two idiots singing about?

Y/n: Don't know but if wish there was something for us to listen cause I never hear Blitz sing.

Satan: Bet its shit.

Y/n shuts off the gas and after that they enter the interrogation room and free Blitz and Moxxie.

Y/n: You alright Blitz?

Blitz: Yeah but felt like months, damn.

Millie hugs Moxxie which made Y/n smile but suddenly a few agents burst inside the room which Y/n immediately turn and torn them apart with his assault rifle.

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