S1E21: Boom baby boom (Lemon)

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It was an advantage day at the Hazbin Hotel as we see Y/n in his apartment watching some TV. Satan noticed he has something in his head so he ask him.

Satan: So what are you thinking?

Y/n: Hm? Oh nothing just watching something on the TV.

Satan: Right. You do know your watching a problem channel?

Y/n: Huh? Oh your right. Man there is a lot of porn channels.

Satan: Welcome to Hell. Still what's up with you? You have been acting strange ever since our last job. You know when we encounter those baby angels.

Y/n: It's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Satan: Fine whatever you say. I feel like nothing good is going on today.

Suddenly a window smashes and a bomb rolled in the middle of the room which Y/n immediately panic as he pick up the bomb and tosses it back outside which blows up. At first they thought it was the Cherubs coming back for revenge but then Cherri landed onto the balcony and called out.

Cherri: (smile) Hey there~! Did I jump you?

Y/n: Um kinda? You could have killed me.

Cherri: (smirk) Please their only small bombs, it won't harm anyone.

Y/n: Right. Well what brings you here?

Cherri: Wanna see if you want to hang out with me?

Y/n: With you and Angel Dust?

Cherri: He's busy with other things if you know what I mean.

Y/n: Oh right. Well I got nothing else to do so sure.

Cherri: (smile) Fuck yeah! I know one spot that we can hang out.

Y/n: Where is that?

(Sometime later)

We see the two at a roof top with a built board of Valentino that looks new that is until Cherri throws a bomb at it and it blows up, damaging the build board as Y/n decided to join in and throws bombs at the build board.

Satan: Now this is fun.

The next throws that Y/n made misses and crashes into a window of a shop and it blows up. Food falls from the sky as the homeless rushed over and begins to eat the food while Y/n watches.

Y/n: Whoops.

Cherri: (laughter) Nice one!

Y/n: Thanks?

She let out a giggle as she walk over to her bag and check her bombs. Y/n walks over and take a peak at her bombs.

Y/n: You sure like bombs.

Cherri: (smile) Yeah, they are my favourite toys. Anyways wanna take a walk?

Y/n: Sure.

The two begin walking as they leap over to roof to roof or walking over long wooden boards as they chat while walking.

Cherri: (smile) So how is the Hotel doing for you and Angel Dust?

Y/n: Pretty good. Charlie is working hard as ever rehabilitating clients within the hotel, Vaggie is doing hee best to keep everyone alive from other clients....or from her, Husk is doing well, Niffty is doing her usual and creepy self and Alastor is placing ads about to hotel through radios.

Cherri: Huh nice. Here I thought I will be a boring place.

Y/n: It's very nice if you give it a try.

Cherri: (smile) No thank you. I prefer being myself then changing who I am.

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