S1E8: Not alone

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It was another day at the Hazbin Hotel as we see Husk at his bar and cleaning some mugs all a while there were loud noises coming from the cafeteria as Husk glance over at the door as the twin door bust open by Y/n in a mess as he slammed the door behind him and breathing heavily while Husk stared at him which Y/n noticed him looking at him.

Husk: I may not give a crap but judging the loud noises at the cafeteria I figured something went wrong?

Y/n: (breath out sigh) Yeah. Pretty much so. Me ans Angel Dust try to put up a bingo game at the cafeteria which at first worked for a while....until one guy killed the other because he got a begin and then the other guy killed the other for that. Long story short there is a huge clean up that  Niffty has to clean up.

Satan: Told you begin games are boring and dangerous.

Y/n: Well it's not like I would listen to your ideas.

Satan: Hey! My games are totally safe.

Y/n: Your idea of a game is to have which sinner will kill the other first with a spoon.

Satan: It would have been fun.

Husk: Say you were with Angel right? So, where is he?

Y/n: (realising) Shit! I hope he's okay.

Angel Dust: (other side of the door) Ooohh yes~! More~! More~! Now that feels more like it boys~!

Satan: Yeah I think he's alright.

Y/n: (sigh) Where is Charlie?

Modeus: At her office.

Y/n: (jumped) Unholy hell! (Turn to Modeus) Damn Modeus you scares me.

Modeus: Want to slap me in the ass so you can punish me?

Y/n: That's not necessary. So is she at her office?

Modeus: Yes.

Y/n: Well. Better go up and check to see how is she doing. If Angel comes out covered in.....whatever he was doing in there, get him a shower or have Niffty deal with him. (Walks off)

Modeus: Whatever you say darling.

Husk: (sips his beer) Your one creepy ass girl.

Moments later he arrived at Charlie's office as he open the door and peak inside ans seeing paperwork everywhere while Charlie is seen sleeping on her desk as Y/n approaches her.

Satan: Well she's dead. Time to turn tuid Hotel into my new castle.

Y/n: (gently shakes Charlie) Charlie? Are you okay?

She groan ans slowly sat up with some paper stuck onro her face as she yawn while some fell out of her face and then she turn to see Y/n.

Charlie: Oh (yawn) Morning Y/n.

Y/n: Um hey there Charlie. You doing alright? I can tell you have been working......busy.

Charlie: Yeah I'm sorry its just so many paperwork to do and my parents haven't called me for a long time.

Y/n: That sucks.

Vaggie: Your telling me.

Then Vaggie emerged out of the piles of paper as she grabs one and growls in anger while crushing a piece of paper.

Vaggie: (angry) I'm too fucking stressed out! I can't take this shit no more!

Charlie: (sigh) I know this is really stressful but we gonna keep this place running.

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