S1E4: New job

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Underneath Pentagram city is the sewer and we see Y/n making his way through the sewer, looking for the weapons that Satan has so he can arm himself with weapons to protect himself and others.

He walk through an acid filled lake as he turn around corners, making sure nothing will not jump at him but once it was close he continue on walking as Y/n ask Satan.

Y/n: So why did you leave weapons in a sewer?

Satan: Don't blame me, thete use to be a room that stores a lot of weapons. They must have build a sewer here after my death.

Y/n: So how can we sure the entrance isn't blocked off?

Satan: Don't worry, it's not. In fact, I think we might be close.

Y/n: That's good to hear.

He keep on moving through the sewer and after a while sees a ancient door which he walked up to the door and once there he try to find a key or something to get in but nothing.

Satan: Place your hand onto the door. Trust me, it will work.

Y/n: Well....if you say so.

He place his hand onto the door and suddenly the door shine a red glow and seconds later the door slowly opens with dust coming down as Y/n peaks inside to see lockers that contain some old weapons that he can use.

Y/n enters inside and look around as he opens his first locker and pulled out an assault rifle as he looks at the rifle for a bit while Satan ask him.

Satan: Do you know how to use these weapon?

Y/n: Yeah. I know how to use them.....I think.

Satan: Thought so.

Y/n slide the rifle onto his back and pulled out a pistol that looks badass. He then pulled out a shotgun and a machine gun as he finds them cool then suddenly they disappeared in a buff of flames.

Y/n: Wow! Where did they go?!

Satan: Calm down you can summon them whenever you needed them.

Y/n: Really? How?

Satan: Just think of a weapon like a Assault rifle or a pistol.

He nodes and thinks of a assault rifle and his assault rifle appears on his hand.

Y/n: (smirk) Awesome!

Satan: Yep! Pretty neat. Now let's get out of here before sewer creatures find us.

Y/n: Good idea.

He make his leave and seconds later we see Y/n lifted off the sewer lid and exiting out of the sewer and walks into the footpath as he walk through and then his stomach started to growl.

Y/n: Man I'm hungry. I could get something to eat.

Satan: Well good luck using human money because they don't do those in this world.

Y/n: Oh so what money do they use here?

Satan: Soul dollars and Soul coins.

Y/n: And how do I get them?

Satan: Getting a job.

Y/n: Oh right.

He walks by a demon selling out Newspapers so he take one and reads through the job section as he sat down on a bench next to a demon looking down at his phone as Y/n looks through the jobs but nothing suits him.

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