S1E22: Find your trust

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We hear some loud noises within the a room within the Hazbin Hotel and suddenly Charlie quickly open the door and then slams the door behind her all awhile looking like she came out from a massive brawl as she breaths heavily while Y/n and Octavia stood there as they share a glance at each other and to Charlie.

Y/n: Is everything okay in there?

Charlie: Um......kinda. Let's just say Angel Dust pull a prank that.....might not took it well.

Y/n: Is it nuts inside?

Suddenly a wall exploded with Angel Dust been thrown across the room and slammed onto the wall. He slide down the wall and hit the ground and shortly after he slowly lifted up his hand.

Angel Dust: Worth it.

Octavia: Is he going to be okay?

Charlie: Well if Vaggie is here right now he won't be. Oh wait you must be.....?

Y/n: Oh sorry this is Octavia, Stolas daughter.

Charlie: (surprised) So your a princess!? That's pretty cool. My nameis Charlie, owner of the Hazbin Hotel.

Octavia: (little nervous) Y-Yeah my dad told me about your family. You have a nice hotel.

Charlie: (smile) Thanks. I would like to show you our progress within Mayberry's classroom but unfortunately it seems there is a situation.

Octavia: Yeah I-I can tell.

Angel Dust: (gets up) So your also royalty. Huh. That's cool. As for me....I'm a pornstar.

Octavia: I might not need to know about that.

Angel Dust: (smirk) Figure I'll tell you. Say where is Vaggie?

Charlie: She must be somewhere although I'm kinda worried.

Y/n: Why?

Charlie: She has been acting kinda weird recently. I think she might have some problems.

Angel Dust: Meh leave her, I'm sure she'll be fine.

Charlie: That's mean Angel!

Y/n: Hey how about I go and find her and maybe talk to her.

Charlie: (smile) Thanks Y/n, your too kind. I think I last saw her heading to the watch tower.

Y/n: Right. I'll leave Octavia to you.

Charlie nodes and Y/n head off while Charlie takes Octavia around the hotel. Charlie explains the purpose of the hotel and all the staff that works here. She even show her the layouts of the hotel and the rooms that guest can stay in.

Octavia: So are you sure this will work? I'm not doubting I was just wondering if this might work.

Charlie: (smile) I'm sure it will work. We have been getting guest recently so that's good. Plus we're planning to place some TV ads later on in the future.

Octavia: That sounds cool. Has your parents supported your idea?

Charlie: Um.....Well kinda.

Octavia: Oh.....sorry.

Charlie: (smile) Oh no that's okay. I'm sure they will come around......eventually. So what about your family, how are they doing?

Octavia: Kinda awful. My dad cheated on mom with a imp.

Charlie: Oh.....that's horrible.

Octavia: Not really. My mom kinda deserved it since she's always been rude to my dad and talking bad things behind his back.

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