S1E12: The daughter of a prince

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We see Y/n at his hotel room as he is cleaning up his room while Modeus was in the shower cleaning as Y/n is vacuuming the floor around his room and after he was done he heard his phone ranging so he walks over, picks it up and answer it.

Y/n: Hello?

Blitz: (phone) Hey there you busy?

Y/n: Not really just cleaning my room. Why, you got a job for me?

Blitz: (phone) Yeah I got a call from Stolas that he is taking his daughter to Loo Loo land and he called me requesting that we should be body guards.

Y/n: Body guards? We don't do body guard jobs?

Blitz: (phone) That what I've said but he'll pay us a lot of money if we do this job, you in?

Y/n: Well if its just a simple job then sure. Sent me the details and he'll head there right away.

The call ends as Modeus came out with a towel around her and then she ask him.

Modeus: Who was that darling?

Y/n: It's Blitz, he's asking me to join him for a body guard duty.

Modeus: Sounds hot. Say, wanna have sex?

Y/n: Um.....maybe later.

Modeus: Okay. Good luck my love.

She kiss him on the lip and then gate changed as Satan tells him.

Satan: She is one hot son of a bitch and I love it.

Y/n: Let's get ready to head out.

Satan: Good idea.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n standing at the entrance of Loo Loo Land as he looks at the theme park as he look at it for a bit and then ask.

Y/n: Wait. Isn't there another theme park with a familiar name?

Satan: Yeah but no one gives a shit about who copy I or not. It's hell after all.

Y/n: Wait so companies can just take names from other companies so they can gain more money?

Satan: That or to piss each other off but either way it's enjoyable to see two companies battle each other for my entertainment.

Y/n:......You really are evil.

Satan: I know but whose gonna stop me!

Then Blitz's van arrived and parked near Y/n as he walk over while he said to Satan.

Y/n: You know this could be the first time I meet this Stolas person. I wonder what he looks like?

Satan: Well Mox did say he is from a royal family.

Y/n: True but he can't be soo sca-

He opens the side door to meet Stolas only to see four red eyes glowing as a very tall humanoid owl came out of the van as Y/n look up to see a very tall owl looking down at him.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow.

Satan: I know. I can't believe he is wearing a shirt that is in his perfect size. Who knew.

Y/n: Um hi there sir, it is nice to meet you.

He look at Y/n while he is a bit nervous but then he let out a joyful chuckle that sounded like a owl and said.

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