S1E16: Hell on the beach

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It was a sunny and warm day at the beach as we see people at the beach as teenagers and adults are they enjoying the beach and having some fun. However under the wooden walk path we see Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, Loona and Y/n poking their heads out behind the rocks and seeing a lot of people.

Y/n: Man who knew our targets will be at this one location for us to kill.

Satan: Very convenient if you ask me.

Blitz: Okay remember the plan. Me, Millie and Mox will wait for Y/n and Loona take our targets somewhere quiet and we take them out.

Y/n: Sounds sorta easy enough. (Turn to Lonna) Ready Loona?

Loona: Yep. Let's do this.

Then she changed into her human form and once completed Y/n is stunned about her human appearance and how amazing she is.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow Loona your human forms looks amazing.

Lonna: (little blush) Just shut up and focus on the job.

Y/n: Oh right.

The two split off as Loona pick up some guys while Y/n approaches a group of girls sitting on the towl and laughing.

Y/n: (whisper) Yo Satan, got anything that can help me?

Satan: I gotcha homie.

All he did is increase his dick of his underwear as he checked and then ask him.

Y/n: (whisper) sorry but how the fuck increasing my dick can help?

Woman 1: (smirk) Oh my look at hottie there.

Then a group of the same girls approaches him after seeing his big dick and immediately find him attractive which surprised Y/n a bit.

Satan: Your welcome. I mean not that easy in this state.

Y/n: Right.

He took the girls somewhere quiet for Blitz team to take them out. He did so without any problem and they dumb the bodies as Y/n leave the area as he took out a list of targets and cross four off the list.

Y/n: (smile) Well let's move to our next target.

And so he and Loona lower their targets into private spots for Blitz team to take out as they shoot, stab, strangle, drown them and so much more. It seems like they are gonna beat Verosika for sure.

(Hours later)

Afternoon came as we see Blitz and everyone else tie up some bags filled with body parts and piling them up.

Y/n: Man we have been killing a lot and there is still half of them to go.

Blitz: Fuck yeah we are! We are totally gonna win this challenge for sure!

Moxxie: Not to sure sir. I mean all we know she could be killing more targets then us.

Y/n: He has a point there. She could be anywhere with her team.

Blitz: (smile) Well just as long she is out of my face, then I'm happy.

???: Hello there you sick sons of bitches!

The crowd of people cheered as they all turn to see a stage and a human form Verosika appeared on the stage after the smoke cleared up.

Y/n: She too have a human form?

Satan: Well no shit. Succubus also have human forms.

Verosika: (smile) Whose ready to this year's spring break party!

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