S1E27 A Hellhound party (Lemon)

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We see Loona and Y/n in a taxi as they are at the Gluttony ring as Vortex has invited both Y/n and Loona to a party. The two of them sat there in silence with Y/n a bit excited to be invited into a party and when he turn to Loona she looked nervous.

Y/n: You okay Loona?

Loona: Yeah I'm good.

Y/n: You sure? I mean you didn't have to come.

Loona: No its good. Besides I figure we can spend some time since we have a week off of work.

Y/n: Yeah your right. I'm happy that Moxxie and Millie is gonna have their anniversary of their wedding.

Loona: Yeah lucky them.

Soon they arrived at their destination and once the Taxi stop Satan said with joy.

Satan: It's party time bitches!

Y/n just roll his eyes as the two climb out of the taxi and is amazed of the house where the party is taking place. It looks fancy with hellhounds and some imps around as Loona text Blitz just to tell him that she arrived at the party.

Once that is done Vortex came out and calls out the two of them.

Vortex: (smile) Y/n! Loona! Glad tou have you two here! (Approaches them) So what do you think?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty cool man. You said this belongs to your girlfriend right?

Vortex: (smile) Yep. She always throws parties here. But hey come on in.

They follow Vortex and when they enter inside Vortex calls out to the helhounds.

Vortex: (smile) Yo everyone! Y/n and Loona are in the house!

He then begins to howl follow by the rest as Vortex heads off to get them some drinks while Y/n is surprised seeing so many hellhounds in once place.

Y/n: (surprised) Look how many they are.

Satan: No kidding. I know the Gluttony ring is where Hellhounds are but this is really cool.

He turn to Loona and walks over to her.

Y/n: (smile) This is cool right Loona?

Loona: (small smile) Uh yeah sure is.

Y/n: Hey not to try to annoy you but you sure your okay? I can call Blitz and he can-

Loona: N-No its fine. Just a bit nervous that's all.

Y/n: Yeah I mean I'm also kinda a bit nervous. No one never invited me to a party.

Loona: So this is your first time?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. But we're gonna have a lot of fun right?

Loona nodes with a bit of comfort and Vortex came back and gave them drinks which Y/n takes a drink and it was surprisingly good.

Y/n: (surprised) This is good drink.

Vortex: (smile) Yep. So what has been happening?

Y/n: Nothing much just getting away some stress that's all. Yourself?

Vortex: (smile) You know me. Veroskia and the others are also having a week off of work.

Y/n: Huh I'm surprised she hasn't texted or come over and.....you know.

Vortex: Well Verosika and other are attending something but nothing serious. I believe most are in the list ring.

Y/n: Make sense.

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