S1E18: The gambling cat

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We see Y/n ans Husk at the Gluttony ring to pick up more bear for the hotel as we see Husk driving while Y/n sat next to him as the two were silent and not really saying anything. They sat there in silence as Y/n turn to Husk and was thinking about saying something but couldn't find the right words to say it so he gone silent ans stare off of the window.

Satan: Man....this is fucking awkward.

He agree so he clear his throat and then he spoke.

Y/n: So Husk.....how are things?

Husk: Shit.

Y/n: Oh......okay then........we....we don't talk much do we?

Husk: (sigh) Just be quiet will you.

Y/n: I mean I just thought we have a chat.

Husk: No.

Y/n: Okay then.

Soon they arrive at the warehouse as Husk Park the truck and once parked he open his driver side door and tells Y/n.

Husk: Won't be gone for long. Just need to talk to these people about the supplies and then get out.

Y/n: Want me to come with you?

Husk: Fuck no. Besides I'll be fine just stay here and don't do shit.

He closes the driver side door and make his way over to the building. Y/n watch as someone open the door and he disappeared once he goes inside as the door shuts behind him.

Satan: He is not a nice kitty.

Y/n: I mean that is Husk alright. He's not social to other people.

Satan: Yeah......so what should we do?

Y/n: Guess we just wait.

And so they did. Y/n pulls up his phone and looks through social media and watch some funny videos or play soke mobile games. Hours gone by as time fly and soon the afternoon came and we see Y/n fallen asleep as he lightly snore and he was in the middle of his dream when his phone started to win.

This cost him to wake up as he open his eyes and stretched his body and then pick up his phone and see that Vaggie is calling him so he answered.

Y/n: Hello?

Vaggie: (phone) Where the fuck are you two?! You both have been gone for hours?!

Y/n noticed that it was coming up to the afternoon as he tells Vaggie.

Y/n: Well Husk have been gone for a long time. I've been waiting inside the drunk for hours.

Vaggie: (phone) What?! Fuck he must be gambling and lost time. Look just get back here alright, we have a job to do.

Y/n: Copy that.

After the phone call he climbs out of the truck and after do some proper stretches he make his way to the door and knock at the door. Then a door open and a hellhound guard stood in front of the door and looking at him.

Y/n: Hi there is Husk there? We're kinda in a hurry.

Hellhound Guard: Password.

Y/n: Password? Can you not tell Husk I'm outside and he can-

He slams the door on him as he stood there for a bit until he let's out a sigh.

Satan: Jeez that's rude. So should we blow it open?

Y/n: No maybe we can try a sneaker approach.

He looks around and then sees a open window so he stack up some boxes and then climbs through. He soon gets through and he crashes onto thr floor. He slowly gets up and quickly hide as a Hellhound guard open the door and looks inside.

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