S1E5: I.M.P first job

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We see IMP City City is homed to the IMP's as we see a bus stopped at a bus stop and Y/n climbing out of the boss and as soon the bus leaves he turn and sees the building where I.M.P is at as he look look the address just in case and Eeveeything seemed to be checked out.

He make his way over and we cut to him inside the elevator and going up to the floor as Satan asked him.

Satan: Nervous?

Y/n: A bit. I mean I haven't killed any humans before so I don't know how I feel about it.

Satan: Oh please just imagine your not killing them but rather.......sending them a world where they can be redeemed. Its better right?

Y/n: Guess so but still.

Satan: Look killing humans isn't so bad, besides they're just people who wants someone killed because of reasons. Maybe they Fucked someone up or that other person fuck them up but who cares. As long they are assholes and jackasses, we can kill them.

Y/n: Well guess that's true. Okay then, let's do this.

The elevator doors open as he arrived at his floor and walk out into the hallway and find the door of the I.M.P which he knock at the door.

He waited for a while until a small male Imp open the door while he ask.

???: Hello and welcome to I.M.P, sorry but our boss is busy with another cli-

He noticed Y/n as he nervously smiled while he waved and said.

Y/n: (smile) Hi. Names Y/n and I'm here to be I.M.P's body guards and-

Immediately he slammed the door at him as he stood there for a moment while Satan ask.

Satan: Why does people slammed doors at you?

Y/n: Maybe because I'm human and not like them!

Then a door open but this time a female Imp came out and instead of slamming the door at him, she smiled and shakes his hand.

Millie: (smile) Well Howdy the names Millie and nice to have someone new here! Sorry about my husband, he was surprised to see a human here.

Y/n: (smile) Oh don't worry I completely understand his reaction. So he was the male Imp I saw?

Millie: (smile) Yep. How's about I let you inside and introduce you to the team.

She let's Y/n inside and they soon enter the waiting room where he meets the male Imp against as Millie walked over to him and kisses him on the cheek while she introduces to him.

Millie: (smile) This here is my husband Moxxie.

Moxxie: Hi. Sorry about earlier.

Y/n: (smile) That's fine. Say your names have "M" at the start of it. That's very cool.

Millie: (smile) Yep. Oh and sitting at our desk is our Hellhound Loona.

She points over to Loona sitting at her desk and looking down at her phone and not paying any attention as she glance up at him for a second and then look down at her phone.

Satan: Huh, I like this one.

Y/n: Does Loona not talk a lot?

Moxxie: She only spoke either to assault me or giving us crap.

Loona: Ain't my fault your fat.

Moxxie: I AM NOT FAT!

Satan: I'm gonna love this place.

Y/n: So is Blitz at his office talking to a client?

Millie: (smile) Yep. If our clients wants us to kil a human in the human world, they come to us and we'll do it.

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