S1E20: The little Angels

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It was another day at I.M.P where we find Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, Y/n and Loona at the office waiting for a client to come. Loona falls asleep while Y/n is scrolling things on his phone while Blitz shoots at any adds that is on the TV that involves around a company. Then a ad came that Y/n never heard and glance over to the TV to see the ad.

(Cherub ad scene)

Y/n: I didn't know there were Heaven Ads in Hell?

Satan: Yeah which is annoying. Heaven really wants us to know that they are the champions and rub I on our faces by posting their ads onto hells TV.

Y/n: Yeah. (Turn to Blitz) Also why shooting the TV all the time?

Blitz: Got bored.

Y/n: Okay then.

Moxxie throws away the destroyed TV and places down a new one and turns on the TV. Blitz order Moxxie to change through the channels until another ad came up.

(Wacky Wally ad scene)

Y/n: Wait. Isn't he one of our hotel guests?

Satan: Huh......that would be explain why he keep asking us for ideas a lot.

Blitz: Bingo!

Blitz shoots at the TV which he blow it up. Y/n just shake his head and goes back to his phone when suddenly the building around them started to shake which cost Loona to wake up.

Loona: Um guys? Do you feel that?

Blitz: Oh shit. Is that a Hell-Shake.

Y/n: Is that evening a thing in Hell?

Moxxie: I'm asking the same thing.

Millie: Okay! Don't panic Mox.

Moxxie: I'm not "panicking" because hell quakes don't happen.

Loona: (aggressively shakes Moxxie) STOP GETTING HYSTERICAL FATTY!

She then slaps him across the room and lands onto the wall which suddenly blows up. When the dust clears up four robotic like tentacles appear as a man enter through the hole with the buried Moxxie underneath him.

Satan: HOLY SHIT! IT'S DR OCTOPUS! Where's Spider-man when we needed him!?

Y/n: You watched Marvel? I thought you said it was dumb?

Satan: Yeah but watching Spider-man suffer so much gives me satisfaction.

Y/n: Okay then.

???: (smirk) Oh please do not be afraid.

Y/n: Yeah when you said that, that's gonna be harder for us to be afraid.

Blitz: Also do you have "insurance" thing.

Millie: (pulls out an axe) Who are you and what do you want?!

Loopty: I mean Loopty! The greatest investor of all things loopy.

Loona: Should have use the door you know.

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