S1E10: First date in hell (Lemon)

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We see Y/n starting the day in the bathroom brushing his teeth as he is looking at himself in the mirror while he is brushing his teeth. He soon finished brushes his teeth and slit it out into the sink and once that he look at himself in the mirror as he take a deep breath in and out.

Y/n: Alright then. Let's start the day shall we.

Satan: Good luck with that. I know that's not gonna go well.

Y/n: Yeah your probably right. Oh well, let's face the world I guess.

Satan: Yeah no point being stuck in here like a smelly teenager who's just gonna jack off while being alone. Well, time to face the world.

Y/n: Yeah......I was thinking the same.

He leaves the bathroom and open his door only to stop and look down to see a devil pig looking up at him.

Y/n: (kneel down) Aaww where did you come from little guy. Aren't you adorable little piggy.

???: There you are Nuggets.

Then Angel Dust walks over and pick up Nuggets and hugging him while Y/n gets up and ask.

Y/n: So he's your pet pig? I didn't know you have a pet.

Angel Dust: (chuckle) What? Just because I'm a sexxy fucked, doesn't mean I don't own a pet. Well of course I do, This is Fat Nuggets and he's my best friend.

Y/n: (smile) That's nice.

Angel Dust: Oh yeah since I met up with you, you probably need to deal with your psychopathic girl.

Y/n: Who Modeus? Why?

Angel Dust: Well let's just say she try to kill Nuggets. Apparently she said Nuggets needs to be sacrifice for her "darling master" or something like that.

Satan: Well it was close. I do love the scream of pigs as they are being killed.

Y/n: Yeah sorry about that man. I'll try my best to keep her under control.

Angel Dust: Well you better. I worry Nuggets will be a main target for that psychopathic bitch.

He then walk off as Y/n let out a sigh as Satan ask him.

Satan: So what's your plan to deal with her?

Y/n: Well...there is one idea that could work.

(Sometime later)

We see a festival in Pentagram city as we see Y/n and Modeus there seeing the fun activities they can take part as Modeus looks around and then ask Y/n.

Modeus: Is this our date master?

Y/n: (little blush) Uuumm yeah fuck it. I just figure we can spend some time together since there isn't much to do at the hotel.

Modeus: This is the best idea darling. Come, let us enjoy our fun here.

She then heads off with Y/n following with her as he look around to see many activities and realised that all of them just seemed to scam people for their money.

Y/n: Damn who know their be a lot of scammers here.

Satan: It's hell. What can you suspect? They don't care what the customers think or say as long they are getting money. Why use famous rappers or musicians rip off each of their songs.

Y/n: I suppose so.

They walk through the festival and soon they come across a dunking game but rather the person being dropped into water it's filled with lava while the person sitting on hhe chair is a sinner while wearing glasses and was shaking in fear.

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