S1E3: The Radio Demon

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Charlie and Y/n arrived back at the Happy Hotel as the two enter inside while we see Vaggie locking a door to the cafeteria which is where the homeless people were in while she is breathing heavily and trying not to throw up from the horrible smell while we see Angel Dust laying on the couch and look at his phone and looking over to see Charlie and Y/n back.

Angel Dust: Ah your back. Figured you both would be killed out there, especially you human.

Y/n: Thanks.

Charlie: (smirk) So how's our new visitors doing?!

Vaggie: Fucking awful if you ask me. Lock them up in the cafeteria with tones of food so that will hold them there for a while.

Y/n: (smile) See, I knew this plan would work.

Vaggie: Don't push yourself too much.

Y/n: (nervous smile) R-R-Right.

Vaggie: (sigh) Look I'm glad we have visitors but how can we work on the hotel with four of us? We need a lot more demons working on the hotel and I refusing to let those fucking dirty ass creeps do all the work without making the towers smell like shit.

Y/n: Well maybe we can hire more employees to work on the hotel.

Angel Dust: Who? It's not like no one not gonna be bother working at this shit.

Then there was a knock at the door which surprised them a bit as Charlie approaches the dooe while she said.

Charlie: (smile) Looks like our luck is on our side. (Open the door) Hello sir and welcome to-

When she open the door she was face to face with a demon wearing a suit, s microphone like staff and have a creepy smile when looking down at Charlie while she stare up at him just as Y/n walk up to her.

Y/n: Hey is everything oka- (noticed the demon) Wow.

Alatsor: (smile) Greetings, the names Alatsor (shakes both Charlie and Y/n's hand) It's a pleasure to meet you both, what a fin hotel you have!

He then walked inside while the two stood there abit and then Y/n turns to him and ask.

Y/n: Well it's nice having you here sir but how do you know about us?

Alatsor: (smile) I've watched both of your Fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist what a performance!

Y/n: Oh right, the news.

Alatsor: (smile) Indeed, well I haven't been invited attain since the stock market crash in 1929 hahahahaha!

Y/n: Uuummm right.

Alatsor: (smile) Your a interesting fellow I gonna say! A human with powerful demonic powers. I gonna say that must have been a shocking performance you did!

Y/n: You.....sure talk a lot.

Alatsor: (smile) Hahaha I know!

Vaggie: (points hee spear at him) Stop right there! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here you pompous cheesy dog show shit lord!

Alatsor: (smile) Heheh if I were to harm anyone here (demonic smile) I would have done so already.

They stared at him for a bit while Y/n tells Satan.

Y/n: Damn he's one creepy demon right Satan? Satan?

Satan: ............

Alatsor: (smile) But no, I came here to help!

Charlie and Vaggie:.............

Charlie: Say what now?

Alatsor: (smile) Help! Hahaha, hello? Is this thing on? (Tap his microphone) Testing, testing?

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