S1E25: The past returns (Part 1)

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Y/n burst into the IMP office to find Loona and Millie there and getting ready to go into the humans world when they see Y/n burst into the office.

Millie: Thank Satan's ass your here! We're about to go back the human world and getting the boys.

Y/n: Well what happened before you called me?

Loona: Blitz and Mox was attacked by these people wearing black suits and sunglasses at night. How weird can these humans get.

Satan: Wait humans with sunglasses and black suits.....oh shit.

Y/n: Um I think those people are not your normal humans. I think those people were agents.

Millie: Agents?

Loona: The hell are agents?

Y/n: They work for the government by gathering intel and other things. They are very skilled fighters.

Satan: That's what agents are? Here I thought they were the men in black.

Y/n: They are that as well.

Satan: Fuck.

Millie: Doesn't matter who they are, they have the boys and we're getting them back.

Y/n: Right. Let's do this.

Loona transforms to her human form and open the portal to the human form as they hop out and they came out the last time they seen them which was the alleyway. They look around but no sign of any clues but Loona gets their scent.

Loona: Follow me.

They follow Loona as they enter the street at night. Luckily it was dark so there was less people on the street as the trio walk through the city as Millie turn to Y/n.

Millie: Hey sorry for dragging you here while on your week off.

Y/n: Don't worry about it Millie. Mox and Blitz are my friends and I'll be willing to help in anyway I can. I can even do the same if you two get captured.

Millie: (smile) Thanks. So where do you think their base is at?

Y/n: Well it has to be in a top secret building. This is a huge city so it will take us all night to-

Loona: Found it.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? How can you be sure?

Loona points to a building that doesn't look very much secret with fog lights and cameras mounted on the walls as well as two agents guarding at the door with spears in hand.

Y/n: Huh.....Well that's not very much secret after all then.

Satan: Yeah humans really do suck at keeping things a secret.

They sneak over and hide around the corner where two guards are at. They try to think of a way to get inside when Millie points at ge vents above them. Y/n boosted Millie up there which she enters the vents.

Moments later the door next to them opens by Millie and they head inside.

Loona: Okay now what?

Y/n: (whisper) We need to take out the security cameras so we're not spotted.

Millie: (whisper) Any ideas?

Y/n: (Whisper) Yep.

They avoided the cameras and soon they came up to the security room where they see one guy there. Y/n sneaks inside the room and come up next to him and once behind him he tap him on the shoulder which the agents turn and see him.

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