S1E19: Do you love your own child?

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It was another day at the Hazbin Hotel as we see Y/n just walking down the hallway to his apartment when his phone goes off which he pulled it out and answered it..

Y/n: Hello?

Charlie: (phone) Hi Y/n. What are you doing?

Y/n: Nothing much why? Need any help?

Charlie: (phone) Oh no I wanted to ask if you want to go out with me this afternoon?

Y/n: (blush) Really? That sounds-

Then he remembered the last time he answered the phone and it was Alastor and not Charlie and realising this could be Alastor he just laughs and says.

Y/n: Oh not this time Alastor. Fool me once shame on me but fool me twice shame on you.

Charlie: (phone) Hm?

Y/n: I know your game and I'm not gonna fall for it.

Alastor: (walk pass Y/n) Greetings Y/n.

Y/n: (talk to Alastor) Hey. (Talks through the phone) So how's about you drop the act and.........and.........

He looks over seeing Alastor walking away and realised that if Alastor is not on the phone then that means.

Charlie: (phone) Um is something wrong? Hello?

(A while later)

We find the two at a cafe together as we see Y/n feeling embarrassed and tells Charlie the situation in the past all awhile Satan was laughing in his head.

Satan: Unholy shit you arw a dumbass! I can't believe you thought of that! Ha!

Y/n: So yeah that's what happened.

Charlie: Oh I understand now. It's alright, I can't blame you.

Y/n: Yeah try not to tell Angel Dust about this.

Charlie: I'm sure he's busy with other things. Anyways glad we can hang out, been a while since we have.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it sure feels great to just relax qnd not worry about other things that are going on.

Soon their teas came and they take a drink and once that Charlie ask Y/n.

Charlie: So how is your stay in hell? I've noticed you've got use to things.

Y/n: Well at first it was a bit scary and disgusting but after a while it feels normal.

Charlie: (smile) Yeah. If I were in your shoes I might be driven mad from all the chaos and violence that are going on.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Then they hear the news playing as they turn to see News 666 talks about the Hazbin hotel has now have now clients ever since it was open however they mocked the fact that none have been redeemed which Charlie let's out a sigh.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll make it work. I know we can.

Charlie: I know but how come they don't believe me. Don't they want to go to Heaven where they can live in peace?

Satan: Not really for me, Heaven is lame.

Y/n: They're probably just jerks who try to ruin our goal.

Charlie: Maybe but I sometimes wonder if my dad is involve of this.

Y/n: What makes you say that?

Charlie doesn't say anything snd the two fall silent for a moment and after a while of silence he ask Charlie.

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