Hot dog 'N Baloney

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All might, Aizawa and the team Hawks had fought against were gathered in the schools hospital room. Quietly talking to each other while the wing hero was sound asleep next to them, an oxygen mask around his face in case the fire had hurt him too bad.

Recovery girl quickly stopped by when she saw the many people in there. "What's this supposed to be, a party? Leave the young man alone to rest." unimpressed she walked into the room, expecting everyone to leave. Todoroki lifts his hand nervously. "Sorry, but I'd like to apologize when he wakes up. I think this might be my fault." 

A quiet sigh comes from across the room, All might now stepping to the front. "It's not young Todoroki, but we'd like to stay and have a calm conversation. Just a minute, is that alright?" Toshinoris serious voice convinced her right on the spot, yet she pretends not to be okey with this. "Only a minute, i trust you to not overwhelm him right now!" She slips out of the room again, All might sighing once more.

"So, how do we-" He interrupts himself when looking at the hero, feeling conflicted. "I think i should just tell you, but this is not going anywhere outside of this room okay?"

The former hero turns to Todoroki. "He didn't pass out because your fire hurt him young Todoroki." Now he felt even worse because he was about to spill a secret no one should know about. "Actually, i think i know already All might." The student slowly scratches his head, thinking about the reaction he has seen. Uraraka also chimed in. "Yeah, i also saw him before he passed out. He looked so... terrified?"

The room went quiet. 

"He's afraid of fire, am i right?" Aizawa easily put two and two together, now wondering why the hero still agreed to this. 

"Yeah, you're right." 

All eyes went to the hero who was slowly sitting up, coughing against the oxygen mask. "I... I just felt embaressed to tell anyone..." Hawks took off the mask so he could drink something and soon there was a gentle hand patting his back again. He puts the cup away and turns to All might, now also touching his hair to see how much was burned off. Thankfully only a little...

"Your secret is safe with us Hawks, you're our number two after all!" It was Kirishima cheering him on now too. "Yeah, I would have been more careful if I knew. I apologize." There were way too many people here but Hawks kind of liked it, at least they were worried weren't they? "I appreciate that kids, but please leave me alone with the adults now okay?" He asked, staring at his hands.

The students kind of looked at each other. "Sure, please rest well." Iida pulled the rest along, knowing the hero needed some more rest. 

And when almost everyone had left, his facade started to crumble. The feeling of being covered up by flames struck his mind and he dropped his head onto his hands. Looking straight into the fire really messed with his wellbeing, things had just started to get good. Both Aizawa and All might didn't say a word, just sitting next to blonde seemend enough. 

"Do you want to talk?" The former number one hero walked up to the window and rests his forehead on it. Patiently waiting for an answer when Aizawa got up to leave, giving Hawks a slight pat on the shoulder too. "I'll leave you guys to it."

He wasn't made for emotional moments, that was just the truth. He'd rather let All might handle the rest.


The second Aizawa had left Hawks got up too, rubbing his eyes and pushing the hair out of his face to toughen up a little. "You don't wanna sit here and rest?" "Nah, I'll go home and cut my hair again. Maybe you'll see me bald the next time who knows?"

Again he manages to lift the mood, All might now turning back to him with a chuckle. "I sure hope not, the ladies love your hair."

The two of them were now smiling at each other. "I felt like I needed to cheer you up but you did it all by yourself huh Hawks?" The former hero gave him a proud smile and and immedialty he felt the need to tell him something. He never actually told anyone but he knew he could trust All might.


The former hero went quiet and confused. "Keigo?" All might said the name before he finally understood. He gasps. "That's your Name?" And the wing hero nodded shyly. It had already felt weird hearing Dabi say his name, but now All might too? Well, fuck it. "Please keep it a secret, but i needed to tell you. And i also wanted to say thank you for cheering me up when I needed it most.."

All might still looked a little perplexed, then honoured.

"I'll keep your secret young keigo, don't worry about that." The tall man patted his head this time, one corner of his mouth going up when he noticed the little burnt up hairs in the front. "All might man, I'm not a kid anymore!" "Haha, that's what you get for calling me Minimight last time."

A strong feeling of safety and happiness flooded the room, they spent another hour talking about literally anything when the two of them left together. Hawks even told him about the small feeling of disappointment he felt towards Endeavor for what he did to his son.

What else should he feel when his childhood hero turned out to be the same kind of person his own father was? Yet he was still thankful for the protection he promised.

And when he was at home again he sat down on his desk chair and pulled the lamp and a mirror towards his face, grabbing the scissors and slowly cutting the burnt strands of hair off. "Part four of almost turning into a chicken wing, fuckin' hate fire man." He muttered and then pulled the bandaid off his cheek.

Dabi meanwhile already sat back down in front of his laptop, closely watching the wing hero.

Not to mention the held back chuckle when Hawks joked around, but Dabi quickly became serious again when he noticed the burned off wings and hair. "Hah, Shoto also burned him? What an idiot."

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Published 07.03.2023/ 1060 words

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