Raw emotions

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Hawks let go of him rather quickly, he really needed to get himself under control now or bad things would happen.

The villain didn't seem to mind at all but Hawks still blushed hard, so hard the redness stung in his face. "Fuck sorry, it's just-" "Hey, calm down. You're madly stressed."

Dabi gently pulled him back into his embrace, he'd never say it but being hugged so tightly felt good. And so out of nowhere too.

Somehow he forgot about the possibility of a trap seeing his pretty bird like this. Hawks just dropped his head onto Dabis shoulder and closed his eyes. Dabi was right, he was stressed beyond his limits. "What's wrong pretty?"

"Please, just get me somewhere private. I'm going to lose it."

Huh, lose what? Dabi carefully loosened his embrace and took Hawks by the hand, the fire inside him died down with each touch. Deep in his chest there had been a murderous flame from killing a random guy earlier, but now it seemed to be gone.

Instead a new flame lit up, a gentle one surrounded by flowers and light.

"Come here." Dabi pulled him along into the next best house with an open door, someone's empty home from leaving for shelter. "We can be alone here." When did the two get so comfortable with each other?

Hawks tried to hide it, hide the way his blood pumped through his veins with full speed just by looking at the villain. And remembering how Endeavor just fucking kissed him, his nerves now completely came to an end. His chest tightened uncomfortably making in hard to breathe. This son of a bitch, stupid redhead.

When Dabi decided they were now alone and safe, he shut the door of the abandoned house and grabbed the wing hero by his shoulders.

He said "What's wrong with you, you never loose your cool?" and tilted his head. "Is it that spring thing?" He continued and Hawks immediately straightened his posture and cleared his throat. "What, no. Maybe. I'm just weirded out right now."

With a big sigh he looks up and meets Dabis unusually warm gaze. How could he look into his eyes now that his dad kissed him? Should he tell him?

The grip on his shoulders tightened causing him get weak in the knees. I shouldn't say anything, but I want to tell him. How bad can his reaction be?

"C'mon now, do I really have to force it out of you Birdie."

Hawks gulped and lowered his gaze, finally saying it "There's been something with Endeavor, he's just- I'm fucking frustrated." These words were hard to say but he managed.

"He kissed...me."

He didn't dare to look at Dabi, the deep feeling of shame build up inside his chest. Shit, I actually told him!

It took Dabi a few seconds to recognize what the blonde just said, and when it hit, his eyes darkened and his concerned expression switched to pure anger.

"My old man did what!?" you could tell him raising his voice scared the blonde even further. But when he saw Hawks flinch he shut up right on the spot. The hero was the only person Dabi didn't want to scare anymore.

So he remained cool. "He kissed you? Is this some disgusting plan to put me in my place or what. I can't believe he'd even think about touching what's mine." Dabi rubbed his face in anger and then clenched his fists. And Hawks? He just blinked in shock.

Hawks pressed himself against the wall and slowly sunk down.

Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut. His mind was a mess, first Endeavor beating him up then confessing his love for him, then having an emotional breakdown at the agency to Endeavor kissing him? How was he supposed to handle all this.

At the end all his emotions got the best of him again and he started crying.

Right in front of Dabi too. How embarrassing. And with the sound of the hero crumbling down and sobbing, Dabis anger washed away. He looked down on Hawks feeling complicated. He didn't know what to do.

"You want me to kill him?" "Aren't you already planning that?"

Dabi slipped a quiet laugh, he knelt down and sat in front of Hawks. He observed the blondes body language before slowly pulling him on top of his lap.

It wasn't easy to console a crying person, but he tried.

With his roughed up hands he massaged the others head and pushed his face into the crook of his own neck. It hurt him to feel the twitches of Hawks sobs.

What happened to sex only?

He noticed the hero's high body temperature and one of his sharp feathers was actually poking into his leg, but he bared it. So it is this spring thing, does it make him more sensitive too?

Only when the sobs of the blonde died down he stopped caressing his head and asked "Did he do it because he likes you?" and Hawks wished he could just lie to him.

But the truth jumped out of him already.

"Please don't get mad, he confessed his feelings for me earlier the day. I'm just so confused?" hearing this Dabi tried hard to not flip out, he kept his hands snug around Hawks waist and grabbed painfully hard into his skin.

He didn't mean to hurt him, but Dabi was still the same cruel villain despite his feelings.

So he barely even noticed how hard he was grabbing the blonde, busy gritting his teeth while forcing to keep his composure. And hawks just bared it. "Just a kiss, nothing more?" the villain asked and got a nod as a response.

Dabi let go of Hawks and instead he pulled at a fistful of his hair, "How could this bastard even dare to look at you after calling you a prostitute?" he scanned Hawks eyes, watching them go wide on shock. Cute.

So he heard? EVERYTHING?

Hawks was flabbergasted even though he kind of expected it, every tiny bit of sadness flew out of his body and was replaced with embarrassment. He tried to wiggle himself free leading to Dabi pushing him down on his lap harder.

"You're good now little bird? I'd love to talk about you wanting my babies if you could."

He's never felt this hot because of embarrassment, but today was the day. "Let me go, I never said that!" he refused to acknowledge it and got laughed at one more time. Dabi enjoyed playing with him too much.

So he decided to see how far he can provocate his little bird.

"I wish I could make you have my babies, you already looked so good filled up with me." and now Hawks covered his face in embarrassment, he'd start crying again if he could.

He was pushed harder onto Dabis lap and stopped moving. He's never going to let this go, am I right?

. . . . .

Published 22.06.24/ 1160 words

I wrote the first chapter for the fic idea I had last time, I'll probably upload it in a month so stay tuned.

It's called SWIM | dabihawks. I just hope I'll have enough time to write because soon I'm going back to school after 'dropping out' and taking a three year mental health break haha.

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