love talk

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An alluring voice filled his ears, basically dripping with amusement. "Already awake birdie? Maybe one more kick would've done the job."

Hawks didn't react or even move, he just sat there staring into the air. Letting the others voice wash over him before clearing his throat and responding. "You should have just killed me you moron." he puffs out his wings and takes a deep breath. It was so painfully obvious how nervous he was, luckily Dabi couldn't see him.

"Doesn't matter anyway, that stupid american hero postponed Shigarakis final attack. Gotta apologize for beating up my little bird." On the other line the villain sat inside Togas hideout, sitting on his laptop and doing some research. Not even realizing the nickname that had just slipped. It was ordinary for Dabi to call him little bird or anything related. But his little bird?

What did he just call me?

See Hawks had already been on the edge, but now a deep blush formed across his face and ears. For a moment he lost his cool and punched his bed, then immediatly regretting it having hit his own wing with sharpened feathers. And who was Hawks to say ouch like a normal person?

"Shit, fuck me!" The hero yelled and jumped up, looking down on his cut up hand. Hell, why were they sharp anyway? Was it 'cause I was nervous?

Dabis hands stopped wandering across the keyboard of his computer and he slowly grabbed his phone, turning off the speaker and holding the device against his ear. He asks "What was that, an invitation?" with a sly smirk when there was another hissing sound from Hawks. God he just loved the sound of people in pain.

"No ya dumbass, just cut my hand on my wings." Hawks send out a feather to bring him the first aid kit that was hanging on the wall and started bandaging his hand.

The villains little chackle seemed like music in his ears and now Hawks began to relax, what was wrong with talking to him anyway? Well, they're on the complete opposite sites of the law but still. The hero couldn't help it.

For a while none of them said a word, it took Hawks some bravery to start the conversation again. Now calm he put the first aid kit away and looked down at his hand. "I have a question for you, Dabi." He starts and feels the nervosity creeping up. He pauses, listening to the villains "Hmm?"

I don't think asking him will do any difference though?

"Do you have an idea who set the houses on fire?" Hawks straight up asked him and kept his gaze locked to the door. As if someone could interrupt their little talk. He heard a quiet sigh right before the villain answered. "How do you know it wasn't me? I could have wandered off in the middle of the night?" Dabi asked him back, his voice as nosy as ever.

It already surprised him to be honest. The fact that Hawks thought he wasn't the culprit. It felt weird to get this kind of trust from a hero.

"It wasn't you, I know it. If you help me catch the culprit they're gonna stop blaming you!" The blonde told him and earned a sarcastic laugh, it threw him off. "Who are you trying to fool Keigo? You think proving my innocence is going to make you feel better about having fucked with me?" Dabi put away his laptop and laughed at him.

God, what is wrong with this guy? Hawks thought to himself and rolled his eyes again, groaning in annoyance.

He said "No, I just believe it wasn't you. You were right next to me the whole night snoring like an old man."

Which is funny because he actually did do it.

At night he snuck out and went to walk around the city when he noticed someone staring at him through a window. First he didn't give a shit but there was this urge to make himself seen. So he walked away and then around the house, put some flames on every door and window and got the fuck out of there.

He did that with one house, which then lead to 10 house fires. Not that he cared. Now he just tried not to blow his cover by laughing like an idiot.

Dabi had a hard time doing so and when he had gotten a hold of himself he just asked "Don't mind it pretty bird, it won't make a difference. I'd rather ask how your head is doing." Dabi switched to his bed and laid down, putting his phone on speaker because no one would listen anyway. He also strongly believed that Hawks would never try and locate this number he had just called.

He's just too soft. Dabi thought.

"just some memory loss, I've talked with this flame dude who's apparently the number one hero. Such an agressive son of a bitch." Hawks was wondering why Dabi would ask this in the first place, does he care?

No of course he doesn't, Dabi wasn't the type to fall for someone after something as simple as a one night stand. He is just a hot crazy villain, who was now laughing even louder. Hawks wondered if he could ever hear a geniue laugh from him, not that sarcastic creepy one. Cut it out, i dont want to hear anything like that from him. 

When the villain calmed down he wiped a tear of blood from his face from having laughed so hard. "Wow, you really don't remember him do you? What would he say if i told him you had sex with his son?" Dabi just dropped the bomb on him, holding back another laughter when Hawks gasped in utter shock.

Now everything made sense, Hawks remembered Dabis connection to Endeavor which led to him remembering even more about the flame hero. "I don't mind you talking shit about my dad, lemme hear all of it c'mon." Dabi closed his eyes to be able to hear Hawks voice clearer. Not even in a million years would he admit he liked Hawks voice, the way it sounded was just so heavenly.

Plus it turned him on. 

The blonde took a deep breath, now remembering most things about Endeavor he didn't even found him that bad anymore. Still there was a lot of unspoken feelings that wanted to get out. So he went on a rant. "He's... a disgusting person to me. As a child he was my absolute idol, but hearing what he had done to your family really changed my mind about him. Usually i say everyone deserves forgivness but that man?" he cracked his knuckels in anger. 

"Not even in a million years in hell."

Dabi opened his eyes and approvingly nods to himself, a sense of some weird positive feeling washing over him. He liked it, to hear this from someone. Like it was water trying to extinguish the flames inside his heart. Like it made him cool down. Even after minutes he refused to interrupt the blonde, who was now telling him about the most random things in life.

He didn't even realize the tiredness sneaking up at him, Dabi just closed his eyes while listening to Hawks talk about his own dad. It was ironic how his old man had been caught by Endeavor back then, really funny coincidence. 

Soon the villain fell asleep and started snoring, earning a little sigh from the hero. Hawks listened to the sound of Dabi snoring for a while and then put his phone on speaker, he snuggled into his bed and closed the light with a feather. 

Now it felt like they were sleeping right next to each other.

.     .     .     .     .

Published 06.05.23/ 1310 words

I got so fucking sick, my eyes are teary and i can't stop sneezing. Fuck this but enjoy the chapter still.

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