Yet again Hawks was alone in the hospital room, the sun had set and he was left in the dark. Would it be an inconvenience to ask a nurse to turn the light on?
"Hm..." the blonde sighs defeatedly and pulls his body into an upright position again, just what on earth was he supposed to do now? Wait and plead guilty in front of a judge or run away and flee the country?
Hell no, that's the worst idea he's ever had. I knew what I was getting myself into and now I have to man up and receive the punishment. He thought for a while before diffrent types of thoughts flooded his head. He questioned his own morality and the country's law. Or maybe even the world's way of punishment.
Why was it wrong what I did?
I never slipped up information, never gave him the chance to attack our people and mostly I NEVER supported his doing.
But of course, who would believe a guy who openly kissed the villain on the battlefield? A bold but stupid move, really. But there was one thing Hawks forgot here. And it was the moment Dabi had decided to join forces with the heroes for his sake. Just to protect what he loved.
Now his stomach ached and his face went red.
All he wanted was to bury his head into Dabis neck and feel that familiar warmth. "Oh, how much I hate this guy..." he mumbled in embarrassment and slowly slid out of the bed, knowing the door might be locked he still tried to open it and he was right. The door was locked.
They really locked him inside a hospital room, how dare they?
But Hawks wouldn't be Hawks if he had not any other ideas. His leg hurt but whatever, he just grabbed a crutch to stabilize himself and pulled out a small feather. With that feather he easily unlocked the door and now peeked into the empty hallways. He just loved being a menace.
Quietly he snuck around the corners of the hospital until his feathers sensed one of his colleagues. Someone he would actually wish to avoid.
As much as I want to kill Endeavor, we really need to talk.
He silently knocked in hopes the flame hero would hear it without attracting a nurse. And when there was no answer he slipped inside the room anyway. Only to see the big man tiredly reading a book.
"How come you didn't hear me knocking big guy." kind of struggling to walk with a crutch Hawks sat down on the bed. Endeavor meanwhile just put his book away and starts massaging his head asking "Aren't you supposed to stay in your room?" and he got a faked confused look back.
"What you mean, no one told me I couldn't leave my room?" the blonde grinned on the inside and just played dumb.
The flame hero watched closely as Hawks lied straight to his face, he could never tell when someone was lying to him but right now it was obvious. And it hurt. "You can't play your little games with me, what do you want?" his voice was rough and almost angry, Hawks was surprised. "Woah, I just wanted to have a talk. And I also wanted to ask if you know how Dabi is doing?"
Of course, that's all he cares about. Endeavor thought to himself and lifts his hand to press the call button. Hawks immediately scooches closer in panic and grabs his hand.
"Wait, don't. Please I just need to know, I'm going crazy in this empty room!" he noticed Endeavor pulling his hand away slowly so he let go. "Please, is it too much to ask?" the blonde whispered nervously causing Endeavor to almost not even hear it, right, his eardrums were also busted.
The flame hero looked him up and down and then sighs.
"I'm not allowed to tell a criminal about any legal proceedings." Ouch, he really is a stuck up hero after all. Is there no way I can get any information out of him?
Well, there is definitely something.
Hawks prepared his serious face before starting to speak. "How about this then, you tell me everything about Dabis whereabouts and so on aaaaand-" he held back an evil smile. Of course Endeavor knew where this was going and he was horrified.
"-and I don't tell anyone about this talk we had in UAs nursing room?"
Evil, and maybe a bit unfair but this was his personality after all. He waited and carefully observed Endeavors face, when he suddenly was grabbed by the collar of his hospital gown. He's seen the taller one angrier but this still wasn't a good position to be in.
Their eyes met in the heat of the moment and there was a shift, an uncomfortable moment of silence. While Hawks mind was rather blank, the flame hero instead thought about how much of a stranger the younger one had became.
They used to work together with ease and he'd endure Hawks stupid pranks, jokes and fake flirts. Endeavor never admitted it but it was fun working with him or just talking. But now this changed everything. If only he never developed this crush on him, or at least told him.
Endeavor bit his tongue in anger. "You're blackmailing me? Really, is this how we're gonna play?" his voice was a deep growl sending shivers down Hawks spine.
Did he go to far? Or did he just hit a jackpot?
We'll see.
"I gave you a choice, either tell me or the world will know about your Itty bitty feelings for me." Hawks stood his ground and the second he said it, Endeavors face lit up in flames.
His heart almost fell out of his chest but still, no reaction.
Endeavor held back his anger as much as he could and hissed through gritted teeth."Touya lost his Quirk, all for one probably stole it during the impact. And yes, he's fine and alive!" with that the redhead pushed Hawks off the bed.
Hawks stumbled but managed to stand, he still had a smile on his face. "What room?"
"And it goes like this..."
"Do you even know what you're doing?" the redhead shook his head in disappointment. That's it, who even is he anymore?
"And the one random night when everything changes-"
He's such a lovesick fool. Endeavor closed his eyes and took the book back into his hands, angrily mumbling the numbers of Touyas hospital room. "309, upper floor."
"-You won't reply and we'll go back to strangers."
And that was everything Hawks needed to know and so he went back through the door, avoiding the nurses walking around like the trained spy he was. Even though his leg was broken, giving him a handicap despite using a crutch. This was easier than I thought, kind of like taking candy from a baby.
He was not thinking straight, not even realizing he just lost a friend. Not even registering he committed another crime. All for a guy he used to hate.
Any last doubts dissappeared the moment he stood in front of Dabis door, he could sense his soft and quiet heartbeat. It was a wonder there were no police here, he guessed they didn't deem it necessary since he lost his quirk and could barely move.
. . . . .
Published 31.01.24/ 1230 words
The song quotes used are from Strangers by Kenya Grace, I kinda fell In love with the lyrics on a bus ride to school :)

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FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...